§ 42104. Information, witnesses, and evidence

(a) Order To Supply Information.— In carrying out section 42101 of this title, the Federal Maritime Commission may order any person (including a common carrier, tramp operator, bulk operator, shipper, shippers’ association, ocean transportation intermediary, or marine terminal operator, or an officer, receiver, trustee, lessee, agent, or employee thereof) to file with the Commission a report, answers to questions, documentary material, or other information the Commission considers necessary or appropriate. The Commission may require the response to any such order to be made under oath. The response shall be provided in the form and within the time specified by the Commission.
(b) Subpoenas and Discovery.— In carrying out section 42101 of this title, the Commission may—
(1) subpoena witnesses and evidence; and
(2) authorize a party to use depositions, written interrogatories, and discovery procedures that, to the extent practicable, conform to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (28 App. U.S.C.).
(c) Witness Fees.— Unless otherwise prohibited by law, and subject to funds being appropriated, a witness in a proceeding under section 42101 of this title is entitled to the same fees and mileage as in the courts of the United States.
(d) Penalties.— For failure to supply information ordered to be produced or compelled by subpoena under this section, the Commission may—
(1) after notice and opportunity for a hearing, suspend tariffs and service contracts of a common carrier or the common carrier’s right to use tariffs of conferences and service contracts of agreements of which it is a member; or
(2) assess a civil penalty of not more than $5,000 for each day that the information is not provided.
(e) Enforcement.— If a person does not comply with an order or subpoena of the Commission under this section, the Commission may seek enforcement in a district court of the United States having jurisdiction over the parties. If, after hearing, the court determines that the order or subpoena was regularly made and duly issued, the court shall enforce the order or subpoena.