§ 7704. Dangerous drugs as grounds for revocation

[(a) Repealed. Pub. L. 101–380, title IV, § 4103(a)(2)(B), Aug. 18, 1990, 104 Stat. 511.]
(b) If it is shown at a hearing under this chapter that a holder of a license, certificate of registry, or merchant mariner’s document issued under this part, within 10 years before the beginning of the proceedings, has been convicted of violating a dangerous drug law of the United States or of a State, the license, certificate, or document shall be suspended or revoked.
(c) If it is shown that a holder has been a user of, or addicted to, a dangerous drug, the license, certificate of registry, or merchant mariner’s document shall be revoked unless the holder provides satisfactory proof that the holder is cured.