§ 3305. Scope and standards of inspection

(1) The inspection process shall ensure that a vessel subject to inspection—
(A) is of a structure suitable for the service in which it is to be employed;
(B) is equipped with proper appliances for lifesaving, fire prevention, and firefighting;
(C) has suitable accommodations for the crew, sailing school instructors, and sailing school students, and for passengers on the vessel if authorized to carry passengers;
(D) has an adequate supply of potable water for drinking and washing by passengers and crew;
(E) is in a condition to be operated with safety to life and property; and
(F) complies with applicable marine safety laws and regulations.
(2) In determining the adequacy of the supply of potable water under paragraph (1)(D), the Secretary shall consider—
(A) the size and type of vessel;
(B) the number of passengers or crew on board;
(C) the duration and routing of voyages; and
(D) guidelines for potable water recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Public Health Service.
(b) If an inspection, or examination under section 3308 of this title, reveals that a life preserver, lifesaving device, or firehose is defective and incapable of being repaired, the owner or master shall destroy the life preserver, lifesaving device, or firehose in the presence of the official conducting the inspection or examination.
(c) A nautical school vessel operated by a civilian nautical school or by an educational institution under section 558 of title 40 shall be inspected like a small passenger vessel or a passenger vessel, depending on its tonnage.