§ 1346. Resolution of certain issues

(a) Employee issues
Section 4024 completely and finally—
(1) extinguishes all employee rights, and any obligation of the United States, under section 761 (e) [1] of this title as in effect immediately before October 21, 1986;
(2) resolves any and all claims against the Corporation or any other person arising under the Definitive Agreement referred to in section 4024 (d)(1) or any other agreement containing similar terms and conditions;
(3) resolves all claims to pay entitlements arising out of the pay increase deferrals by present and former employees of the Corporation under the Agreement of May 5, 1981, between Conrail and Certain Labor Organizations for Labor Contributions to Self-Sufficiency for Conrail;
(4) resolves all issues raised by notices served by representatives of such employees under section 156 of this title proposing repayment of or compensation for such deferrals; and
(5) resolves all claims against the Railway Labor Executives’ Association or the Corporation by any adviser, consultant, or other person who has provided services to such association in connection with any matter referred to in this subchapter.
(b) Corporation actions
The Corporation shall not be considered to be in breach, default, or violation of any agreement to which it is a party, notwithstanding any provision of such agreement, because of any provision of this subchapter or any action the Corporation is required to take under this subchapter.
(c) Right to sue withdrawn
The United States hereby withdraws any stated or implied consent for the United States, or any agent or officer of the United States, to be sued by any person for any legal, equitable, or other relief with respect to any claim arising out of, or resulting from, acts or omissions under this subchapter, except actions brought to require the Secretary of Transportation to perform duties or acts required under part A of this subchapter.

[1] See References in Text note below.