§ 390h-36. Lower Chino Dairy Area desalination demonstration and reclamation project

(a) In general
The Secretary, in cooperation with the Chino Basin Watermaster, the Inland Empire Utilities Agency, and the Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority and acting under the Federal reclamation laws, shall participate in the design, planning, and construction of the Lower Chino Dairy Area desalination demonstration and reclamation project.
(b) Cost sharing
The Federal share of the cost of the project described in subsection (a) shall not exceed—
(1) 25 percent of the total cost of the project; or
(2) $26,000,000.
(c) Limitation
Funds provided by the Secretary shall not be used for operation or maintenance of the project described in subsection (a).
(d) Authorization of appropriations
There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as are necessary to carry out this section.
(e) Sunset of authority
This section shall have no effect after the date that is 10 years after March 30, 2009.