§ 17751. Plan to support operation and utilization of the ISS beyond fiscal year 2015

(a) In general
The Administrator shall take all necessary steps to ensure that the International Space Station remains a viable and productive facility capable of potential United States utilization through at least 2020 and shall take no steps that would preclude its continued operation and utilization by the United States after 2015.
(b) Plan to support operations and utilization of the International Space Station beyond fiscal year 2015
(1) In general
Not later than 9 months after October 15, 2008, the Administrator shall submit to the Committee on Science and Technology of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate a plan to support the operations and utilization of the International Space Station beyond fiscal year 2015 for a period of not less than 5 years. The plan shall be an update and expansion of the operation plan of the International Space Station National Laboratory submitted to Congress in May 2007 under section 16767 of this title.
(2) Content
(A) Requirements to support operation and utilization of the ISS beyond fiscal year 2015
As part of the plan required in paragraph (1), the Administrator shall provide each of the following:
(i) A list of critical hardware necessary to support International Space Station operations through the year 2020.
(ii) Specific known or anticipated maintenance actions that would need to be performed to support International Space Station operations and research through the year 2020.
(iii) Annual upmass and downmass requirements, including potential vehicles that will deliver such upmass and downmass, to support the International Space Station after the retirement of the Space Shuttle and through the year 2020.
(B) ISS National Laboratory Research Management Plan
As part of the plan required in paragraph (1), the Administrator shall develop a Research Management Plan for the International Space Station. Such Plan shall include a process for selecting and prioritizing research activities (including fundamental, applied, commercial, and other research) for flight on the International Space Station. Such Plan shall be used to prioritize resources such as crew time, racks and equipment, and United States access to international research facilities and equipment. Such Plan shall also identify the organization to be responsible for managing United States research on the International Space Station, including a description of the relationship of the management institution with NASA (e.g., internal NASA office, contract, cooperative agreement, or grant), the estimated length of time for the arrangement, and the budget required to support the management institution. Such Plan shall be developed in consultation with other Federal agencies, academia, industry, and other relevant stakeholders. The Administrator may request the support of the National Academy of Sciences or other appropriate independent entity, including an external consultant, in developing the Plan.
(C) Establishment of process for access to National Laboratory
As part of the plan required in paragraph (1), the Administrator shall—
(i) establish a process by which to support International Space Station National Laboratory users in identifying their requirements for transportation of research supplies to and from the International Space Station, and for communicating those requirements to NASA and International Space Station transportation services providers; and
(ii) develop an estimate of the transportation requirements needed to support users of the International Space Station National Laboratory and develop a plan for satisfying those requirements by dedicating a portion of volume on NASA supply missions to the International Space Station.
(D) Assessment of equipment to support research
As part of the plan required in paragraph (1), the Administrator shall—
(i) provide a list of critical hardware that is anticipated to be necessary to support nonexploration-related and exploration-related research through the year 2020;
(ii) identify existing research equipment and racks and support equipment that are manifested for flight; and
(iii) provide a detailed description of the status of research equipment and facilities that were completed or in development prior to being cancelled, and provide the budget and milestones for completing and preparing the equipment for flight on the International Space Station.
(E) Budget plan
As part of the plan required in paragraph (1), the Administrator shall provide a budget plan that reflects the anticipated use of such activities and the projected amounts to be required for fiscal years 2010 through 2020 to accomplish the objectives of the activities described in subparagraphs (A) through (D).