§ 17554. Study of effectiveness of depot naltrexone for heroin addiction

(a) Grant program authorized
From amounts made available to carry out this section, the Attorney General, through the National Institute of Justice, and in consultation with the National Institute on Drug Abuse, may make grants to public and private research entities (including consortia, single private research entities, and individual institutions of higher education) to evaluate the effectiveness of depot naltrexone for the treatment of heroin addiction.
(b) Evaluation program
An entity described in subsection (a) desiring a grant under this section shall submit to the Attorney General an application that—
(1) contains such information as the Attorney General specifies, including information that demonstrates that—
(A) the applicant conducts research at a private or public institution of higher education, as that term is defined in section 1001 of title 20;
(B) the applicant has a plan to work with parole officers or probation officers for offenders who are under court supervision; and
(C) the evaluation described in subsection (a) will measure the effectiveness of such treatments using randomized trials; and
(2) is in such form and manner and at such time as the Attorney General specifies.
(c) Reports
An entity that receives a grant under subsection (a) during a fiscal year shall, not later than the last day of the following fiscal year, submit to the Attorney General a report that describes and assesses the uses of that grant.