§ 17197. Center for Geothermal Technology Transfer

(a) In general
The Secretary shall award to an institution of higher education (or consortium thereof) a grant to establish a Center for Geothermal Technology Transfer (referred to in this section as the “Center”).
(b) Duties
The Center shall—
(1) serve as an information clearinghouse for the geothermal industry by collecting and disseminating information on best practices in all areas relating to developing and utilizing geothermal resources;
(2) make data collected by the Center available to the public; and
(3) seek opportunities to coordinate efforts and share information with domestic and international partners engaged in research and development of geothermal systems and related technology.
(c) Selection criteria
In awarding the grant under subsection (a) the Secretary shall select an institution of higher education (or consortium thereof) best suited to provide national leadership on geothermal related issues and perform the duties enumerated under subsection (b).
(d) Duration of grant
A grant made under subsection (a)—
(1) shall be for an initial period of 5 years; and
(2) may be renewed for additional 5-year periods on the basis of—
(A) satisfactory performance in meeting the duties outlined in subsection (b); and
(B) any other requirements specified by the Secretary.