§ 17143. Government efficiency status reports

(a) In general
Each Federal agency subject to any of the requirements of this title [1] or the amendments made by this title [1] shall compile and submit to the Director of the Office of Management and Budget an annual Government efficiency status report on—
(1) compliance by the agency with each of the requirements of this title [1] and the amendments made by this title; [1]
(2) the status of the implementation by the agency of initiatives to improve energy efficiency, reduce energy costs, and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases; and
(3) savings to the taxpayers of the United States resulting from mandated improvements under this title [1] and the amendments made by this title.[1]
(b) Submission
The report shall be submitted—
(1) to the Director at such time as the Director requires;
(2) in electronic, not paper, format; and
(3) consistent with related reporting requirements.

[1] See References in Text note below.