§ 16358. Strategic research portfolio analysis and coordination plan
In general
The Secretary shall periodically review all of the science and technology activities of the Department in a strategic framework that takes into account both the frontiers of science to which the Department can contribute and the national needs relevant to the Department’s statutory missions.
Coordination analysis and plan
As part of the review under subsection (a), the Secretary shall develop a coordination plan to improve coordination and collaboration in research, development, demonstration, and commercial application activities across Department organizational boundaries.
Plan contents
The plan shall describe—
cross-cutting scientific and technical issues and research questions that span more than one program or major office of the Department;
how the applied technology programs of the Department are coordinating their activities, and addressing those questions;
ways in which the technical interchange within the Department, particularly between the Office of Science and the applied technology programs, can be enhanced, including ways in which the research agendas of the Office of Science and the applied programs can interact and assist each other;
a description of how the Secretary will ensure that the Department’s overall research agenda include, in addition to fundamental, curiosity-driven research, fundamental research related to topics of concern to the applied programs, and applications in Departmental technology programs of research results generated by fundamental, curiosity-driven research.
Plan transmittal
Not later than 12 months after August 8, 2005, and every 4 years thereafter, the Secretary shall transmit to Congress the results of the review under subsection (a) and the coordination plan under subsection (b).