§ 16317. Systems biology program
The Secretary shall establish a research, development, and demonstration program in microbial and plant systems biology, protein science, computational biology, and environmental science to support the energy, national security, and environmental missions of the Department.
The program shall have the goal of developing technologies and methods based on the biological functions of genomes, microbes, and plants that—
can facilitate the production of fuels, including hydrogen in sustainable production systems that reduce greenhouse gas emissions;
detoxify soils and water, including at facilities of the Department, contaminated with heavy metals and radiological materials;
Development of plan
Not later than 1 year after August 8, 2005, the Secretary shall prepare and transmit to Congress a research plan describing how the program authorized pursuant to this section will be undertaken to accomplish the program goals established in subsection (b).
Review of plan
The Secretary shall contract with the National Academy of Sciences to review the research plan developed under this subsection. The Secretary shall transmit the review to Congress not later than 18 months after transmittal of the research plan under paragraph (1), along with the Secretary’s response to the recommendations contained in the review.
User facilities and ancillary equipment
Within the funds authorized to be appropriated pursuant to this part, amounts shall be available for projects to develop, plan, construct, acquire, or operate special equipment, instrumentation, or facilities, including user facilities at National Laboratories, for researchers conducting research, development, demonstration, and commercial application in systems biology and proteomics and associated biological disciplines.
Prohibition on biomedical and human cell and human subject research
Bioenergy research centers
Establishment of centers
In carrying out the program under subsection (a), the Secretary shall establish at least 7 bioenergy research centers, which may be of varying size.
Geographic distribution
The Secretary shall establish at least 1 bioenergy research center in each Petroleum Administration for Defense District or Subdistrict of a Petroleum Administration for Defense District.
The goals of the centers established under this subsection shall be to accelerate basic transformational research and development of biofuels, including biological processes.