§ 16215. Electric transmission and distribution programs
The Secretary shall establish a comprehensive research, development, and demonstration program to ensure the reliability, efficiency, and environmental integrity of electrical transmission and distribution systems, which shall include—
advanced energy delivery technologies, energy storage technologies, materials, and systems, giving priority to new transmission technologies, including composite conductor materials and other technologies that enhance reliability, operational flexibility, or power-carrying capability;
the development and use of high-temperature superconductors to—
integration of power systems, including systems to deliver high-quality electric power, electric power reliability, and combined heat and power;
Program plan
In general
Not later than 1 year after August 8, 2005, the Secretary, in consultation with other appropriate Federal agencies, shall prepare and submit to Congress a 5-year program plan to guide activities under this section.
The Secretary shall consider implementing the program under this section using a consortium of participants from industry, institutions of higher education, and National Laboratories.
Not later than 2 years after the submission of the plan under subsection (b), the Secretary shall submit to Congress a report—
Power delivery research initiative
In general
The Secretary shall establish a research, development, and demonstration initiative specifically focused on power delivery using components incorporating high temperature superconductivity.
The goals of the Initiative shall be—
to establish world-class facilities to develop high temperature superconductivity power applications in partnership with manufacturers and utilities;
to provide technical leadership for establishing reliability for high temperature superconductivity power applications, including suitable modeling and analysis;
The Initiative shall include—
feasibility analysis, planning, research, and design to construct demonstrations of superconducting links in high power, direct current, and controllable alternating current transmission systems;
Transmission and distribution grid planning and operations initiative
In general
The Secretary shall establish a research, development, and demonstration initiative specifically focused on tools needed to plan, operate, and expand the transmission and distribution grids in the presence of competitive market mechanisms for energy, load demand, customer response, and ancillary services.
The goals of the Initiative shall be—
to provide technical leadership in engineering and economic analysis for the reliability and efficiency of power systems planning and operations in the presence of competitive markets for electricity;
High-voltage transmission lines
As part of the program described in subsection (a), the Secretary shall award a grant to a university research program to design and test, in consultation with the Tennessee Valley Authority, state-of-the-art optimization techniques for power flow through existing high voltage transmission lines.