§ 16135. Outreach and incentives

(a) Definition of eligible technology
In this section, the term “eligible technology” means—
(1) a verified technology; or
(2) an emerging technology.
(b) Technology transfer program
(1) In general
The Administrator shall establish a program under which the Administrator—
(A) informs stakeholders of the benefits of eligible technologies; and
(B) develops nonfinancial incentives to promote the use of eligible technologies.
(2) Eligible stakeholders
Eligible stakeholders under this section include—
(A) equipment owners and operators;
(B) emission and pollution control technology manufacturers;
(C) engine and equipment manufacturers;
(D) State and local officials responsible for air quality management;
(E) community organizations; and
(F) public health, educational, and environmental organizations.
(c) State implementation plans
The Administrator shall develop appropriate guidance to provide credit to a State for emission reductions in the State created by the use of eligible technologies through a State implementation plan under section 7410 of this title.
(d) International markets
The Administrator, in coordination with the Department of Commerce and industry stakeholders, shall inform foreign countries with air quality problems of the potential of technology developed or used in the United States to provide emission reductions in those countries.