§ 15703. National Windstorm Impact Reduction Program
The objective of the Program is the achievement of major measurable reductions in losses of life and property from windstorms. The objective is to be achieved through a coordinated Federal effort, in cooperation with other levels of government, academia, and the private sector, aimed at improving the understanding of windstorms and their impacts and developing and encouraging implementation of cost-effective mitigation measures to reduce those impacts.
Interagency Working Group
Not later than 90 days after October 25, 2004, the Director shall establish an Interagency Working Group consisting of representatives of the National Science Foundation, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and other Federal agencies as appropriate. The Director shall designate an agency to serve as Chair of the Working Group and be responsible for the planning, management, and coordination of the Program, including budget coordination. Specific agency roles and responsibilities under the Program shall be defined in the implementation plan required under subsection (e). General agency responsibilities shall include the following:
The National Institute of Standards and Technology shall support research and development to improve building codes and standards and practices for design and construction of buildings, structures, and lifelines.
The National Science Foundation shall support research in engineering and the atmospheric sciences to improve the understanding of the behavior of windstorms and their impact on buildings, structures, and lifelines.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration shall support atmospheric sciences research to improve the understanding of the behavior of windstorms and their impact on buildings, structures, and lifelines.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency shall support the development of risk assessment tools and effective mitigation techniques, windstorm-related data collection and analysis, public outreach, information dissemination, and implementation of mitigation measures consistent with the Agency’s all-hazards approach.
Program components
In general
The Program shall consist of three primary mitigation components: improved understanding of windstorms, windstorm impact assessment, and windstorm impact reduction. The components shall be implemented through activities such as data collection and analysis, risk assessment, outreach, technology transfer, and research and development. To the extent practicable, research activities authorized under this chapter shall be peer-reviewed, and the components shall be designed to be complementary to, and avoid duplication of, other public and private hazard reduction efforts.
Understanding of windstorms
Activities to enhance the understanding of windstorms shall include research to improve knowledge of and data collection on the impact of severe wind on buildings, structures, and infrastructure.
Windstorm impact assessment
Activities to improve windstorm impact assessment shall include—
development of mechanisms for collecting and inventorying information on the performance of buildings, structures, and infrastructure in windstorms and improved collection of pertinent information from sources, including the design and construction industry, insurance companies, and building officials;
Windstorm impact reduction
Activities to reduce windstorm impacts shall include—
development of improved outreach and implementation mechanisms to translate existing information and research findings into cost-effective and affordable practices for design and construction professionals, and State and local officials;
development of cost-effective and affordable windstorm-resistant systems, structures, and materials for use in new construction and retrofit of existing construction; and
outreach and information dissemination related to cost-effective and affordable construction techniques, loss estimation and risk assessment methodologies, and other pertinent information regarding windstorm phenomena to Federal, State, and local officials, the construction industry, and the general public.
Implementation plan
Not later than 1 year after October 25, 2004, the Interagency Working Group shall develop and transmit to the Congress an implementation plan for achieving the objectives of the Program. The plan shall include—
an assessment of past and current public and private efforts to reduce windstorm impacts, including a comprehensive review and analysis of windstorm mitigation activities supported by the Federal Government;
a description of plans for technology transfer and coordination with natural hazard mitigation activities supported by the Federal Government;
Biennial report
The Interagency Working Group shall, on a biennial basis, and not later than 180 days after the end of the preceding 2 fiscal years, transmit a report to the Congress describing the status of the windstorm impact reduction program, including progress achieved during the preceding two fiscal years. Each such report shall include any recommendations for legislative and other action the Interagency Working Group considers necessary and appropriate. In developing the biennial report, the Interagency Working Group shall consider the recommendations of the Advisory Committee established under section
15704 of this title.