§ 15381. Periodic studies of election administration issues
In general
On such periodic basis as the Commission may determine, the Commission shall conduct and make available to the public studies regarding the election administration issues described in subsection (b) of this section, with the goal of promoting methods of voting and administering elections which—
will be the most convenient, accessible, and easy to use for voters, including members of the uniformed services and overseas voters, individuals with disabilities, including the blind and visually impaired, and voters with limited proficiency in the English language;
will yield the most accurate, secure, and expeditious system for voting and tabulating election results;
Election administration issues described
For purposes of subsection (a) of this section, the election administration issues described in this subsection are as follows:
Methods and mechanisms of election technology and voting systems used in voting and counting votes in elections for Federal office, including the over-vote and under-vote notification capabilities of such technology and systems.
Methods of voter registration, maintaining secure and accurate lists of registered voters (including the establishment of a centralized, interactive, statewide voter registration list linked to relevant agencies and all polling sites), and ensuring that registered voters appear on the voter registration list at the appropriate polling site.
Methods of ensuring the accessibility of voting, registration, polling places, and voting equipment to all voters, including individuals with disabilities (including the blind and visually impaired), Native American or Alaska Native citizens, and voters with limited proficiency in the English language.
Nationwide statistics and methods of identifying, deterring, and investigating voting fraud in elections for Federal office.
Methods of educating voters about the process of registering to vote and voting, the operation of voting mechanisms, the location of polling places, and all other aspects of participating in elections.
The feasibility and advisability of conducting elections for Federal office on different days, at different places, and during different hours, including the advisability of establishing a uniform poll closing time and establishing—
a legal public holiday under section
6103 of title
5 as the date on which general elections for Federal office are held;
the Tuesday next after the 1st Monday in November, in every even numbered year, as a legal public holiday under such section;
Ways that the Federal Government can best assist State and local authorities to improve the administration of elections for Federal office and what levels of funding would be necessary to provide such assistance.
The technical feasibility of providing voting materials in eight or more languages for voters who speak those languages and who have limited English proficiency.
Methods of voter registration for members of the uniformed services and overseas voters, and methods of ensuring that such voters receive timely ballots that will be properly and expeditiously handled and counted.
The best methods for establishing voting system performance benchmarks, expressed as a percentage of residual vote in the Federal contest at the top of the ballot.
The Commission shall submit to the President and to the Committee on House Administration of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate a report on each study conducted under subsection (a) of this section together with such recommendations for administrative and legislative action as the Commission determines is appropriate.