§ 14136a. Sexual assault forensic exam program grants

(a) In general
The Attorney General shall make grants to eligible entities to provide training, technical assistance, education, equipment, and information relating to the identification, collection, preservation, analysis, and use of DNA samples and DNA evidence by medical personnel and other personnel, including doctors, medical examiners, coroners, nurses, victim service providers, and other professionals involved in treating victims of sexual assault and sexual assault examination programs, including SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner), SAFE (Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner), and SART (Sexual Assault Response Team).
(b) Eligible entity
For purposes of this section, the term “eligible entity” includes—
(1) States;
(2) units of local government; and
(3) sexual assault examination programs, including—
(A) sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE) programs;
(B) sexual assault forensic examiner (SAFE) programs;
(C) sexual assault response team (SART) programs;
(D) State sexual assault coalitions;
(E) medical personnel, including doctors, medical examiners, coroners, and nurses, involved in treating victims of sexual assault; and
(F) victim service providers involved in treating victims of sexual assault.
(c) Authorization of appropriations
There are authorized to be appropriated $30,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2009 through 2014 to carry out this section.