§ 12744. Income targeting
Each participating jurisdiction shall invest funds made available under this part within each fiscal year so that—
with respect to rental assistance and rental units—
not less than 90 percent of
the families receiving such rental assistance are families whose incomes do not exceed 60 percent of the median family income for the area, as determined by the Secretary with adjustments for smaller and larger families, (except that the Secretary may establish income ceilings higher or lower than 60 percent of the median for the area on the basis of the Secretary’s findings that such variations are necessary because of prevailing levels of construction cost or fair market rent, or unusually high or low family income) at the time of occupancy or at the time funds are invested, whichever is later, or
with respect to homeownership assistance, 100 percent of such funds are invested with respect to dwelling units that are occupied by households that qualify as low-income families; and
all such funds are invested with respect to housing that qualifies as affordable housing under section
12745 of this title.