§ 11801. Establishment of drug abuse education and prevention program relating to youth gangs
The Secretary of Health and Human Services, through the Administration on Children, Youth, and Families, shall make grants to, and enter into contracts with, public and nonprofit private agencies (including agencies described in paragraph (7)(A) acting jointly), organizations (including community based organizations with demonstrated experience in this field), institutions, and individuals, to carry out projects and activities—
to prevent and to reduce the participation of youth in the activities of gangs that engage in illicit drug-related activities,
to promote the involvement of youth in lawful activities in communities in which such gangs commit drug-related crimes,
to prevent the abuse of drugs by youth, to educate youth about such abuse, and to refer for treatment and rehabilitation members of such gangs who abuse drugs,
to support activities of local police departments and other local law enforcement agencies to conduct educational outreach activities in communities in which gangs commit drug-related crimes,
to inform gang members and their families of the availability of treatment and rehabilitation services for drug abuse,
to facilitate Federal and State cooperation with local school officials to assist youth who are likely to participate in gangs that commit drug-related crimes,
to facilitate coordination and cooperation among—
for the purpose of preventing or reducing the participation of youth in activities of gangs that commit drug-related crimes, and
to provide technical assistance to eligible organizations in planning and implementing drug abuse education, prevention, rehabilitation, and referral programs for youth who are members of gangs that commit drug-related crimes.