§ 11408. Rural homelessness grant program

(a) Establishment
The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall establish and carry out a rural homelessness grant program. In carrying out the program, the Secretary may award grants to eligible organizations in order to pay for the Federal share of the cost of—
(1) assisting programs providing direct emergency assistance to homeless individuals and families;
(2) providing homelessness prevention assistance to individuals and families at risk of becoming homeless; and
(3) assisting individuals and families in obtaining access to permanent housing and supportive services.
(b) Use of funds
(1) In general
An eligible organization may use a grant awarded under subsection (a) of this section to provide, in rural areas—
(A) rent, mortgage, or utility assistance after 2 months of nonpayment in order to prevent eviction, foreclosure, or loss of utility service;
(B) security deposits, rent for the first month of residence at a new location, and relocation assistance;
(C) short-term emergency lodging in motels or shelters, either directly or through vouchers;
(D) transitional housing;
(E) rehabilitation and repairs such as insulation, window repair, door repair, roof repair, and repairs that are necessary to make premises habitable;
(F) development of comprehensive and coordinated support services that use and supplement, as needed, community networks of services, including—
(i) outreach services to reach eligible recipients;
(ii) case management;
(iii) housing counseling;
(iv) budgeting;
(v) job training and placement;
(vi) primary health care;
(vii) mental health services;
(viii) substance abuse treatment;
(ix) child care;
(x) transportation;
(xi) emergency food and clothing;
(xii) family violence services;
(xiii) education services;
(xiv) moving services;
(xv) entitlement assistance; and
(xvi) referrals to veterans services and legal services; and
(G) costs associated with making use of Federal inventory property programs to house homeless families, including the program established under subchapter V of this chapter and the Single Family Property Disposition Program established pursuant to section 1710 (g) of title 12.
(2) Capacity building activities
Not more than 20 percent of the funds appropriated under subsection (l)(1) of this section for a fiscal year may be used by eligible organizations for capacity building activities, including payment of operating costs and staff retention.
(c) Award of grants
(1) Communities with populations of less than 10,000
(A) Set aside
In awarding grants under subsection (a) of this section for a fiscal year, the Secretary shall make available not less than 50 percent of the funds appropriated under subsection (l)(1) of this section for the fiscal year for grants to eligible organizations serving communities that have populations of less than 10,000.
(B) Priority within set aside
In awarding grants in accordance with subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall give priority to eligible organizations serving communities with populations of less than 5,000.
(2) Communities without significant Federal assistance
In awarding grants under subsection (a) of this section, including grants awarded in accordance with paragraph (1), the Secretary shall give priority to eligible organizations serving communities not currently receiving significant Federal assistance under this chapter.
(3) State limit
In awarding grants under subsection (a) of this section for a fiscal year, the Secretary shall not award to eligible organizations within a State an aggregate sum of more than 10 percent of the funds appropriated under subsection (l)(1) of this section, for the fiscal year.
(d) Application
In order to be eligible to receive a grant under subsection (a) of this section, an organization shall submit an application to the Secretary at such time, in such manner, and containing such information as the Secretary may require. The application shall include, at a minimum—
(1) a description of the target population and geographic area to be served;
(2) a description of the types of assistance to be provided;
(3) an assurance that the assistance to be provided is closely related to the identified needs of the target population;
(4) a description of the existing assistance available to the target population, including Federal, State, and local programs, and a description of the manner in which the organization will coordinate with and expand existing assistance or provide assistance not available in the immediate area;
(5) an agreement by the organization that the organization will collect data on the projects conducted by the organization, including assistance provided, number and characteristics of persons served, and causes of homelessness for persons served; and
(6) an agreement by the organization that, to the maximum extent practicable, the organization will involve homeless individuals and families through employment, volunteer services, and otherwise, in providing, operating, and rehabilitating housing assisted under this section and in providing services assisted under this section and services for occupants of housing assisted under this section.
(e) Eligible organizations
Organizations eligible to receive a grant under subsection (a) of this section shall include private nonprofit entities and county and local governments.
(f) Federal share
(1) In general
The Federal share of the costs of providing assistance under this section shall be 75 percent.
(2) Non-Federal share
The non-Federal share of the cost of providing the assistance shall be in cash or in kind, fairly evaluated, including plant, equipment, staff services, or services delivered by volunteers.
(g) Participation of homeless individuals
The Secretary shall, by regulation, require each eligible organization receiving a grant under this section to provide for the participation of not less than 1 homeless individual or former homeless individual on the board of directors or other equivalent policy making entity of the recipient, to the extent that such entity considers and makes policies and decisions regarding any housing, services, or other assistance of the eligible organization receiving the grant under this section. The Secretary may grant waivers to recipients unable to meet the requirement under the preceding sentence if the recipient agrees to otherwise consult with homeless or formerly homeless individuals in considering and making such policies and decisions.
(h) Evaluation
(1) In general
The Secretary shall conduct an evaluation of the program to—
(A) determine the effectiveness of the program in providing housing and other assistance to homeless persons in the area served; and
(B) determine the types of assistance needed to address homelessness in rural areas.
(2) Report
The Secretary shall submit to Congress, not later than 18 months after the date on which the Secretary first makes grants under the program, the evaluation of the program conducted under paragraph (1), including recommendations for any Federal administrative or legislative changes that may be necessary to improve the ability of rural communities to prevent and respond to homelessness.
(i) Technical assistance
The Secretary shall provide technical assistance to eligible organizations in developing programs in accordance with this section, and in gaining access to other Federal resources that may be used to assist homeless persons in rural areas. Such assistance may be provided through regional workshops, and may be provided directly or through grants to, or contracts with, nongovernmental entities.
(j) Termination of assistance
If an individual or family who receives assistance under this section violates requirements of the assistance program provided by the organization receiving a grant under this section, the organization may terminate assistance in accordance with a formal process established by the organization that recognizes the rights of individuals receiving such assistance to due process of law, which may include a hearing.
(k) Definitions
For purposes of this section:
(1) Program
The term “program” means the rural homelessness grant program established under this section.
(2) Rural area; rural community
The terms “rural area” and “rural community” mean—
(A) any area or community, respectively, no part of which is within an area designated as a standard metropolitan statistical area by the Office of Management and Budget; or
(B) any area or community, respectively, that is—
(i) within an area designated as a metropolitan statistical area or considered as part of a metropolitan statistical area; and
(ii) located in a rural census tract.
(3) Secretary
The term “Secretary” means the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
(l) Authorization of appropriations
(1) In general
There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section $30,000,000 for fiscal year 1993 and $31,260,000 for fiscal year 1994.
(2) Availability
Any amount paid to a grant recipient for a fiscal year that remains unobligated at the end of the year shall remain available to the recipient for the purposes for which the payment was made for the next fiscal year. The Secretary shall take such action as may be necessary to recover any amount not obligated by the recipient at the end of the second fiscal year, and shall redistribute the amount to another eligible organization.