§ 11405b. Term of contract and amount of assistance

(a) Term of contract
Each contract with a recipient for assistance under this subpart shall be for a term of 5 years, and the owner shall have an option to renew the assistance for an additional 5-year term, subject to the availability of amounts provided in appropriation Acts; except that if an expenditure of at least $3,000 for each unit (including its prorated share of work on common areas or systems) is required to make the structure decent, safe, and sanitary, and the owner agrees to carry out the rehabilitation with resources other than assistance under this part within 12 months of notification of grant approval, the contract shall be for a term of 10 years; except that, in the case of any project for which equity is provided through any low-income housing tax credit pursuant to section 42 of title 26, if an expenditure of such amount for each unit (including the prorated share of such work) is required to make the structure decent, safe, and sanitary, and the owner agrees to reach initial closing on permanent financing from such other sources within two years and agrees to carry out the rehabilitation with resources other than assistance under this part within 60 months of notification of grant approval, the contract shall be for a term of 10 years (except that such period may be extended by up to 1 year by the Secretary, which extension shall be granted unless the Secretary determines that the sponsor is primarily responsible for the failure to meet such deadline).
(b) Amount of assistance
Each contract shall provide that the recipient shall receive aggregate amounts not to exceed the appropriate existing housing fair market rental under section 1437f (c)(1) of this title in effect at the time the application is approved. Any amounts not needed for a year may be used to increase the amount available in subsequent years.