§ 11403c. Applications

(a) In general
An application for rental housing assistance under this part shall be submitted by an applicant in such forms and in accordance with such procedures as the Secretary shall establish.
(b) Minimum contents
The Secretary shall require that an application identify the need for the assistance in the community to be served and shall contain at a minimum—
(1) a request for housing assistance under subpart II, III, IV, or V of this part, or a combination, specifying the number of units requested and the amount of necessary budget authority;
(2) a description of the size and characteristics of the population of eligible persons;
(3) an identification of the need for the program in the community to be served;
(4) the identity of the proposed service provider or providers (which may be, or include, the applicant) and a statement of the qualifications of the provider or providers;
(5) a description of the supportive services that the applicant proposes to assure will be available for eligible persons;
(6) a description of the resources that are expected to be made available to provide the supportive services required by section 11403b of this title;
(7) a description of the mechanisms for developing a housing and supportive services plan for each person and for monitoring each person’s progress in meeting that plan;
(8) reasonable assurances satisfactory to the Secretary that the supportive services will be provided for the full term of the housing assistance under subpart II, III, IV, or V of this part, or a combination; and a certification from the applicant that it will fund the supportive services itself if the planned resources do not become available for any reason;
(9) a certification by the public official responsible for submitting the comprehensive housing affordability strategy under section 12705 of this title that the proposed activities are consistent with the approved housing strategy of the unit of general local government within which housing assistance under this part will be provided;
(10) a plan for—
(A) in the case of rental housing assistance under subpart II,[1] or III of this part, providing housing assistance;
(B) identifying and selecting eligible persons to participate, including a proposed definition of the term “chronic problems with alcohol, other drugs, or both”;
(C) coordinating the provision of housing assistance and supportive services;
(D) ensuring that the service providers are providing supportive services adequate to meet the needs of the persons served;
(E) obtaining participation of eligible persons who have previously not been assisted under programs designed to assist the homeless or have been considered not capable of participation in these programs; this plan shall specifically address how homeless persons, as defined in section 11302 (a)(2)(C) of this title, (and the families of such persons) will be brought into the program;
(11) in the case of housing assistance under subpart V of this part, identification of the specific structures that the recipient is proposing for assistance; and
(12) in the case of housing assistance under subpart IV of this part, identification of the nonprofit entity that will be the owner or lessor of the property, and identification of the specific structures in which the nonprofit entity proposes to house eligible persons.

[1] So in original. The comma probably should not appear.