§ 11393. Program assistance

(a) In general
(1) Eligible activities
The Secretary may provide assistance with respect to a program under this part for the following activities:
(A) The construction of a structure for use in providing a safe haven or the acquisition, rehabilitation, or acquisition and rehabilitation of an existing structure for use in providing a safe haven.
(B) The leasing of an existing structure for use in providing a safe haven.
(C) To cover the operating costs of a safe haven.
(D) To cover the costs of administering a safe haven program, not to exceed 10 percent of the amounts made available for activities under subparagraphs (A) through (C).
(E) Outreach activities designed to inform eligible persons about and attract them to a safe haven program.
(F) The provision of low-demand services and referrals for residents of a safe haven, except that grants under this part may not be used to cover more than 50 percent of the cost of such services and referrals.
(G) Other activities that further the purposes of this part, including the modification of an existing facility to use a portion of the facility to provide with a safe haven.
(2) Period of assistance
Assistance may be provided to any safe haven program for activities under subparagraphs (B) through (F) of paragraph (1) for a period of not more than 5 years, except that the Secretary may, upon application by the recipient, provide assistance for an additional period of time, not to exceed 5 years, subject to—
(A) the determination of the Secretary that the performance of the recipient under this part is satisfactory; and
(B) the availability of appropriations for such purpose.
(3) Limit on amount
The total amount of assistance provided to any recipient under this subsection may not exceed $400,000 in any 5-year period.
(b) Matching funding
(1) In general
Each recipient shall supplement a grant provided under this part with an equal amount of funds from sources other than this part. Each recipient shall certify to the Secretary that it has complied with this paragraph, and shall include with the certification a description of the sources and amounts of such supplemental funds.
(2) Calculation of amounts
In calculating the amount of supplemental funds required under paragraph (1), a recipient may include any funds derived from another source, the value of any lease on a building, any salary paid to staff to carry out the program of the recipient, and the value of the time and services contributed by volunteers, at a rate determined by the Secretary, to carry out the program of the recipient.