§ 9303. Program activities
Development in areas where lack of knowledge limits magnetic fusion energy systems
The Secretary shall initiate activities or accelerate existing activities in research areas in which the lack of knowledge limits magnetic fusion energy systems in order to ensure the achievement of the purposes of this chapter.
Research programs on plasma confinement, alternate confinement concepts, advanced fuels, and properties of materials likely to be used in construction of fusion engineering devices
The Secretary shall maintain an aggressive plasma confinement research program on the current lead concept to provide a full measure of support for the design, construction, and operation of the fusion engineering devices.
Fusion engineering device designs
Operation of demonstration plant at turn of twenty-first century
The Secretary shall initiate at the earliest practical time each activity which he deems necessary to achieve the national goal for operation of a demonstration plant at the turn of the twenty-first century.
Assessment of factors in determining commercial introduction of magnetic fusion energy systems
The Secretary shall continue efforts to assess factors which will determine the commercial introduction of magnetic fusion energy systems including, but not limited to—