§ 8262h. United States Postal Service energy regulations

(a) In general
The Postmaster General shall issue regulations to ensure the reliable and accurate accounting of energy consumption costs for all buildings or facilities which it owns, leases, operates, or manages. Such regulations shall—
(1) establish a monitoring system to determine which facilities are the most costly to operate on an energy consumption per square foot basis or other relevant analytical basis;
(2) identify unusual or abnormal changes in energy consumption; and
(3) check the accuracy of utility charges for electricity and gas consumption.
(b) Identification of energy efficiency products
The Postmaster General shall actively undertake a program to identify and procure energy efficiency products for use in its facilities. In carrying out this subsection, the Postmaster General shall, to the maximum extent practicable, incorporate energy efficient information available on Federal Supply Schedules maintained by the General Services Administration and the Defense Logistics Agency.