§ 6892. Annual report to Congress by Comptroller General
Requirements; access to information
For each fiscal year ending before October 1, 1979, the Comptroller General shall report to the Congress on the activities of the Secretary of Energy and the Secretary under this subchapter and any amendments to other statutes made by this subchapter. The provisions of section
771 of title
15 (relating to access by the Comptroller General to books, documents, papers, statistics, data, records, and information in the possession of the Secretary of Energy or of recipients of Federal funds) shall apply to data which relate to such activities.
Contents of report
Each report submitted by the Comptroller General under subsection (a) of this section shall include—
an accounting, by State, of expenditures of Federal funds under each program authorized by this subchapter or by amendments made by this subchapter;
a thorough evaluation of the effectiveness of the programs authorized by this subchapter or by amendments made by this title in achieving the energy conservation or renewable resource potential available in the sectors and regions affected by such programs;