§ 6283. Summer fill and fuel budgeting programs

(a) Definitions
In this section:
(1) Budget contract
The term “budget contract” means a contract between a retailer and a consumer under which the heating expenses of the consumer are spread evenly over a period of months.
(2) Fixed-price contract
The term “fixed-price contract” means a contract between a retailer and a consumer under which the retailer charges the consumer a set price for propane, kerosene, or heating oil without regard to market price fluctuations.
(3) Price cap contract
The term “price cap contract” means a contract between a retailer and a consumer under which the retailer charges the consumer the market price for propane, kerosene, or heating oil, but the cost of the propane, kerosene, or heating oil may exceed a maximum amount stated in the contract.
(b) Assistance
At the request of the chief executive officer of a State, the Secretary shall provide information, technical assistance, and funding—
(1) to develop education and outreach programs to encourage consumers to fill their storage facilities for propane, kerosene, and heating oil during the summer months; and
(2) to promote the use of budget contracts, price cap contracts, fixed-price contracts, and other advantageous financial arrangements,
to avoid severe seasonal price increases for and supply shortages of those products.
(c) Preference
In implementing this section, the Secretary shall give preference to States that contribute public funds or leverage private funds to develop State summer fill and fuel budgeting programs.
(d) Authorization of appropriations
There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section—
(1) $25,000,000 for fiscal year 2001; and
(2) such sums as are necessary for each fiscal year thereafter.