§ 5672. Administrative authority

(a) Authority of Administrator
The Office shall be administered by the Administrator under the general authority of the Attorney General.
(b) Certain crime control provisions applicable
Sections 3789d (c), 3789f (a), 3789f (b), 3789f (c), 3789g (a), 3789g (b), and 3789g (d) of this title, shall apply with respect to the administration of and compliance with this chapter, except that for purposes of this chapter—
(1) any reference to the Office of Justice Programs in such sections shall be deemed to be a reference to the Assistant Attorney General who heads the Office of Justice Programs; and
(2) the term “this chapter” as it appears in such sections shall be deemed to be a reference to this chapter.
(c) Certain other crime control provisions applicable
Sections 3782 (a), 3782 (c), and 3787 of this title shall apply with respect to the administration of and compliance with this chapter, except that for purposes of this chapter—
(1) any reference to the Attorney General, the Assistant Attorney General who heads the Office of Justice Programs, the Director of the National Institute of Justice, the Director of the Bureau of Justice Statistics, or the Director of the Bureau of Justice Assistance shall be deemed to be a reference to the Administrator;
(2) any reference to the Office of Justice Programs, the Bureau of Justice Assistance, the National Institute of Justice, or the Bureau of Justice Statistics shall be deemed to be a reference to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention; and
(3) the term “this chapter” as it appears in such sections shall be deemed to be a reference to this chapter.
(d) Rules, regulations, and procedures
The Administrator is authorized, after appropriate consultation with representatives of States and units of local government, to establish such rules, regulations, and procedures as are necessary for the exercise of the functions of the Office and only to the extent necessary to ensure that there is compliance with the specific requirements of this subchapter or to respond to requests for clarification and guidance relating to such compliance.
(e) Presumption of State compliance
If a State requires by law compliance with the requirements described in paragraphs (11), (12), and (13) of section 5633 (a) of this title, then for the period such law is in effect in such State such State shall be rebuttably presumed to satisfy such requirements.