§ 5117aa-22. Authorization of appropriations

(a) In general
(1) Authorization
For the purpose of carrying out this subchapter, there are authorized to be appropriated $45,000,000 for fiscal year 2004 and such sums as may be necessary for fiscal years 2005 through 2008.
(2) Limitation
Not more than 5 percent of the amounts appropriated under paragraph (1) for any fiscal year may be obligated for carrying out section 5117aa–12 (a) of this title.
(b) Administrative expenses
(1) Authorization
For the purpose of the administration of this subchapter by the Secretary, there is authorized to be appropriated for each fiscal year specified in subsection (a)(1) an amount equal to 5 percent of the amount authorized in such subsection to be appropriated for the fiscal year. With respect to the amounts appropriated under such subsection, the preceding sentence may not be construed to prohibit the expenditure of the amounts for the purpose described in such sentence.
(2) Limitation
The Secretary may not obligate any of the amounts appropriated under paragraph (1) for a fiscal year unless, from the amounts appropriated under subsection (a)(1) for the fiscal year, the Secretary has obligated for the purpose described in such paragraph an amount equal to the amounts obligated by the Secretary for such purpose in fiscal year 2003.
(c) Availability of funds
Amounts appropriated under this section shall remain available until expended.