§ 3796d-2. Applications; approval

(a) Application
A person seeking assistance under this part shall submit an application to the Attorney General in such form and containing such information as the Attorney General reasonably may require.
(b) Approval
The Attorney General shall approve an application for assistance under this part unless the Attorney General finds that—
(1) the dependent is not eligible for, is no longer eligible for, or is not entitled to the assistance for which application is made;
(2) the dependent’s selected educational institution fails to meet a requirement under this part for eligibility;
(3) the dependent’s enrollment in or pursuit of the educational program selected would fail to meet the criteria established in this part for programs; or
(4) the dependent already is qualified by previous education or training for the educational, professional, or vocational objective for which the educational program is offered.
(c) Notification
The Attorney General shall notify a dependent applying for assistance under this part of approval or disapproval of the application in writing.