§ 3766. Evaluation

(a) Guidelines and comprehensive evaluations
To increase the efficiency and effectiveness of programs funded under this subchapter, the National Institute of Justice shall—
(1) develop guidelines, in cooperation with the Bureau of Justice Assistance, to assist State and local units of government to conduct program evaluations; and
(2) conduct a reasonable number of comprehensive evaluations of programs funded under section 3755 (formula grants) and section 3762a (discretionary grants) of this title.
(b) Criteria for selecting programs for review
In selecting programs for review, the Director of the National Institute of Justice should consider—
(1) whether the program establishes or demonstrates a new and innovative approach to drug or crime control;
(2) the cost of the program to be evaluated and the number of similar programs funded under section 3755 (formula grants) of this title;
(3) whether the program has a high potential to be replicated in other jurisdictions; and
(4) whether there is substantial public awareness and community involvement in the program. Routine auditing, monitoring, and internal assessment of a State and local drug control program’s progress shall be the sole responsibility of the Bureau of Justice Assistance.
(c) Annual report
The Director of the National Institute of Justice shall annually report to the President, the Attorney General, and the Congress on the nature and findings of the evaluation and research and development activities funded under this section.