§ 2021d. Regional compacts for disposal of low-level radioactive waste

(a) In general
(1) Federal policy
It is the policy of the Federal Government that the responsibilities of the States under section 2021c of this title for the disposal of low-level radioactive waste can be most safely and effectively managed on a regional basis.
(2) Interstate compacts
To carry out the policy set forth in paragraph (1), the States may enter into such compacts as may be necessary to provide for the establishment and operation of regional disposal facilities for low-level radioactive waste.
(b) Applicability to Federal activities
(1) In general
(A) Activities of the Secretary
Except as provided in subparagraph (B), no compact or action taken under a compact shall be applicable to the transportation, management, or disposal of any low-level radioactive waste designated in section 2021c (a)(1)(B)(i)–(iii) of this title.
(B) Federal low-level radioactive waste disposed of at non-Federal facilities
Low-level radioactive waste owned or generated by the Federal Government that is disposed of at a regional disposal facility or non-Federal disposal facility within a State that is not a member of a compact shall be subject to the same conditions, regulations, requirements, fees, taxes, and surcharges imposed by the compact commission, and by the State in which such facility is located, in the same manner and to the same extent as any low-level radioactive waste not generated by the Federal Government.
(2) Federal low-level radioactive waste disposal facilities
Any low-level radioactive waste disposal facility established or operated exclusively for the disposal of low-level radioactive waste owned or generated by the Federal Government shall not be subject to any compact or any action taken under a compact.
(3) Effect of compacts on Federal law
Nothing contained in sections 2021b to 2021j of this title or any compact may be construed to confer any new authority on any compact commission or State—
(A) to regulate the packaging, generation, treatment, storage, disposal, or transportation of low-level radioactive waste in a manner incompatible with the regulations of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission or inconsistent with the regulations of the Department of Transportation;
(B) to regulate health, safety, or environmental hazards from source material, byproduct material, or special nuclear material;
(C) to inspect the facilities of licensees of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission;
(D) to inspect security areas or operations at the site of the generation of any low-level radioactive waste by the Federal Government, or to inspect classified information related to such areas or operations; or
(E) to require indemnification pursuant to the provisions of chapter 171 of title 28 (commonly referred to as the Federal Tort Claims Act), or section 2210 of this title, whichever is applicable.
(4) Federal authority
Except as expressly provided in sections 2021b to 2021j of this title, nothing contained in sections 2021b to 2021j of this title or any compact may be construed to limit the applicability of any Federal law or to diminish or otherwise impair the jurisdiction of any Federal agency, or to alter, amend, or otherwise affect any Federal law governing the judicial review of any action taken pursuant to any compact.
(5) State authority preserved
Except as expressly provided in sections 2021b to 2021j of this title, nothing contained in sections 2021b to 2021j of this title expands, diminishes, or otherwise affects State law.
(c) Restricted use of regional disposal facilities
Any authority in a compact to restrict the use of the regional disposal facilities under the compact to the disposal of low-level radioactive waste generated within the compact region shall not take effect before each of the following occurs:
(1) January 1, 1986; and
(2) the Congress by law consents to the compact.
(d) Congressional review
Each compact shall provide that every 5 years after the compact has taken effect the Congress may by law withdraw its consent.