§ 1862l. National research facilities
Facilities plan
In general
The Director shall prepare, and include as part of the Foundation’s annual budget request to Congress, a plan for the proposed construction of, and repair and upgrades to, national research facilities, including full life-cycle cost information.
Contents of the plan
The plan shall include—
estimates of the costs for the construction, repairs, and upgrades described in paragraph (1), including costs for instrumentation development;
estimates of the costs for the operation and maintenance of existing and proposed new facilities;
in the case of proposed new construction and for major upgrades to existing facilities, funding profiles, by fiscal year, and milestones for major phases of the construction;
Status of facilities under construction
The plan required under subsection (a) of this section shall include a status report for each uncompleted construction project included in current and previous plans. The status report shall include data on cumulative construction costs by project compared with estimated costs, and shall compare the current and original schedules for achievement of milestones for the major phases of the construction.