§ 1383. Procedure for payment of benefits

(a) Time, manner, form, and duration of payments; representative payees; promulgation of regulations
(1) Benefits under this subchapter shall be paid at such time or times and (subject to paragraph (10)) in such installments as will best effectuate the purposes of this subchapter, as determined under regulations (and may in any case be paid less frequently than monthly where the amount of the monthly benefit would not exceed $10).
(i) Payments of the benefit of any individual may be made to any such individual or to the eligible spouse (if any) of such individual or partly to each.
(I) Upon a determination by the Commissioner of Social Security that the interest of such individual would be served thereby, such payments shall be made, regardless of the legal competency or incompetency of the individual or eligible spouse, to another individual, or an organization, with respect to whom the requirements of subparagraph (B) have been met (in this paragraph referred to as such individual’s “representative payee”) for the use and benefit of the individual or eligible spouse.
(II) In the case of an individual eligible for benefits under this subchapter by reason of disability, the payment of such benefits shall be made to a representative payee if the Commissioner of Social Security determines that such payment would serve the interest of the individual because the individual also has an alcoholism or drug addiction condition (as determined by the Commissioner) and the individual is incapable of managing such benefits.
(iii) If the Commissioner of Social Security or a court of competent jurisdiction determines that the representative payee of an individual or eligible spouse has misused any benefits which have been paid to the representative payee pursuant to clause (ii) or section 405 (j)(1) or 1007 of this title, the Commissioner of Social Security shall promptly terminate payment of benefits to the representative payee pursuant to this subparagraph, and provide for payment of benefits to an alternative representative payee of the individual or eligible spouse or, if the interest of the individual under this subchapter would be served thereby, to the individual or eligible spouse.
(iv) For purposes of this paragraph, misuse of benefits by a representative payee occurs in any case in which the representative payee receives payment under this subchapter for the use and benefit of another person and converts such payment, or any part thereof, to a use other than for the use and benefit of such other person. The Commissioner of Social Security may prescribe by regulation the meaning of the term “use and benefit” for purposes of this clause.
(i) Any determination made under subparagraph (A) for payment of benefits to the representative payee of an individual or eligible spouse shall be made on the basis of—
(I) an investigation by the Commissioner of Social Security of the person to serve as representative payee, which shall be conducted in advance of such payment, and shall, to the extent practicable, include a face-to-face interview with such person; and
(II) adequate evidence that such payment is in the interest of the individual or eligible spouse (as determined by the Commissioner of Social Security in regulations).
(ii) As part of the investigation referred to in clause (i)(I), the Commissioner of Social Security shall—
(I) require the person being investigated to submit documented proof of the identity of such person, unless information establishing such identity was submitted with an application for benefits under subchapter II of this chapter, subchapter VIII of this chapter, or this subchapter;
(II) verify the social security account number (or employer identification number) of such person;
(III) determine whether such person has been convicted of a violation of section 408, 1011, or 1383a of this title;
(IV) obtain information concerning whether the person has been convicted of any other offense under Federal or State law which resulted in imprisonment for more than 1 year;
(V) obtain information concerning whether such person is a person described in section 1382 (e)(4)(A) of this title; and
(VI) determine whether payment of benefits to such person has been terminated pursuant to subparagraph (A)(iii), whether the designation of such person as a representative payee has been revoked pursuant to section 1007 (a) of this title, and whether certification of payment of benefits to such person has been revoked pursuant to section 405 (j) of this title, by reason of misuse of funds paid as benefits under subchapter II of this chapter, subchapter VIII of this chapter, or this subchapter.
(iii) Benefits of an individual may not be paid to any other person pursuant to subparagraph (A)(ii) if—
(I) such person has previously been convicted as described in clause (ii)(III);
(II) except as provided in clause (iv), payment of benefits to such person pursuant to subparagraph (A)(ii) has previously been terminated as described in clause (ii)(VI), the designation of such person as a representative payee has been revoked pursuant to section 1007 (a) of this title, or certification of payment of benefits to such person under section 405 (j) of this title has previously been revoked as described in section 405 (j)(2)(B)(i)(VI) of this title;
(III) except as provided in clause (v), such person is a creditor of such individual who provides such individual with goods or services for consideration;
(IV) the person has previously been convicted as described in clause (ii)(IV) of this subparagraph, unless the Commissioner determines that the payment would be appropriate notwithstanding the conviction; or
(V) such person is a person described in section 1382 (e)(4)(A) of this title.
(iv) The Commissioner of Social Security shall prescribe regulations under which the Commissioner of Social Security may grant an exemption from clause (iii)(II) to any person on a case-by-case basis if such exemption would be in the best interest of the individual or eligible spouse whose benefits under this subchapter would be paid to such person pursuant to subparagraph (A)(ii).
(v) Clause (iii)(III) shall not apply with respect to any person who is a creditor referred to therein if such creditor is—
(I) a relative of such individual if such relative resides in the same household as such individual;
(II) a legal guardian or legal representative of such individual;
(III) a facility that is licensed or certified as a care facility under the law of a State or a political subdivision of a State;
(IV) a person who is an administrator, owner, or employee of a facility referred to in subclause (III) if such individual resides in such facility, and the payment of benefits under this subchapter to such facility or such person is made only after good faith efforts have been made by the local servicing office of the Social Security Administration to locate an alternative representative payee to whom the payment of such benefits would serve the best interests of such individual; or
(V) an individual who is determined by the Commissioner of Social Security, on the basis of written findings and under procedures which the Commissioner of Social Security shall prescribe by regulation, to be acceptable to serve as a representative payee.
(vi) The procedures referred to in clause (v)(V) shall require the individual who will serve as representative payee to establish, to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Social Security, that—
(I) such individual poses no risk to the beneficiary;
(II) the financial relationship of such individual to the beneficiary poses no substantial conflict of interest; and
(III) no other more suitable representative payee can be found.
(vii) In the case of an individual described in subparagraph (A)(ii)(II), when selecting such individual’s representative payee, preference shall be given to—
(I) a certified community-based nonprofit social service agency (as defined in subparagraph (I));
(II) a Federal, State, or local government agency whose mission is to carry out income maintenance, social service, or health care-related activities;
(III) a State or local government agency with fiduciary responsibilities; or
(IV) a designee of an agency (other than of a Federal agency) referred to in the preceding subclauses of this clause, if the Commissioner of Social Security deems it appropriate,
unless the Commissioner of Social Security determines that selection of a family member would be appropriate.
(viii) Subject to clause (ix), if the Commissioner of Social Security makes a determination described in subparagraph (A)(ii) with respect to any individual’s benefit and determines that direct payment of the benefit to the individual would cause substantial harm to the individual, the Commissioner of Social Security may defer (in the case of initial entitlement) or suspend (in the case of existing entitlement) direct payment of such benefit to the individual, until such time as the selection of a representative payee is made pursuant to this subparagraph.
(I) Except as provided in subclause (II), any deferral or suspension of direct payment of a benefit pursuant to clause (viii) shall be for a period of not more than 1 month.
(II) Subclause (I) shall not apply in any case in which the individual or eligible spouse is, as of the date of the Commissioner’s determination, legally incompetent, under the age of 15 years, or described in subparagraph (A)(ii)(II).
(x) Payment pursuant to this subparagraph of any benefits which are deferred or suspended pending the selection of a representative payee shall be made to the individual, or to the representative payee upon such selection, as a single sum or over such period of time as the Commissioner of Social Security determines is in the best interests of the individual entitled to such benefits.
(xi) Any individual who is dissatisfied with a determination by the Commissioner of Social Security to pay such individual’s benefits to a representative payee under this subchapter, or with the designation of a particular person to serve as representative payee, shall be entitled to a hearing by the Commissioner of Social Security, and to judicial review of the Commissioner’s final decision, to the same extent as is provided in subsection (c) of this section.
(xii) In advance of the first payment of an individual’s benefit to a representative payee under subparagraph (A)(ii), the Commissioner of Social Security shall provide written notice of the Commissioner’s initial determination to make any such payment. Such notice shall be provided to such individual, except that, if such individual—
(I) is under the age of 15,
(II) is an unemancipated minor under the age of 18, or
(III) is legally incompetent,
then such notice shall be provided solely to the legal guardian or legal representative of such individual.
(xiii) Any notice described in clause (xii) shall be clearly written in language that is easily understandable to the reader, shall identify the person to be designated as such individual’s representative payee, and shall explain to the reader the right under clause (xi) of such individual or of such individual’s legal guardian or legal representative—
(I) to appeal a determination that a representative payee is necessary for such individual,
(II) to appeal the designation of a particular person to serve as the representative payee of such individual, and
(III) to review the evidence upon which such designation is based and submit additional evidence.
(xiv) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 552a of title 5 or any other provision of Federal or State law (other than section 6103 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and section 1306 (c) of this title), the Commissioner shall furnish any Federal, State, or local law enforcement officer, upon the written request of the officer, with the current address, social security account number, and photograph (if applicable) of any person investigated under this subparagraph, if the officer furnishes the Commissioner with the name of such person and such other identifying information as may reasonably be required by the Commissioner to establish the unique identity of such person, and notifies the Commissioner that—
(I) such person is described in section 1382 (e)(4)(A) of this title,
(II) such person has information that is necessary for the officer to conduct the officer’s official duties, and
(III) the location or apprehension of such person is within the officer’s official duties.
(i) In any case where payment is made under this subchapter to a representative payee of an individual or spouse, the Commissioner of Social Security shall establish a system of accountability monitoring whereby such person shall report not less often than annually with respect to the use of such payments. The Commissioner of Social Security shall establish and implement statistically valid procedures for reviewing such reports in order to identify instances in which such persons are not properly using such payments.
(ii) Clause (i) shall not apply in any case where the representative payee is a State institution. In such cases, the Commissioner of Social Security shall establish a system of accountability monitoring for institutions in each State.
(iii) Clause (i) shall not apply in any case where the individual entitled to such payment is a resident of a Federal institution and the representative payee is the institution.
(iv) Notwithstanding clauses (i), (ii), and (iii), the Commissioner of Social Security may require a report at any time from any representative payee, if the Commissioner of Social Security has reason to believe that the representative payee is misusing such payments.
(v) In any case in which the person described in clause (i) or (iv) receiving payments on behalf of another fails to submit a report required by the Commissioner of Social Security under clause (i) or (iv), the Commissioner may, after furnishing notice to the person and the individual entitled to the payment, require that such person appear in person at a field office of the Social Security Administration serving the area in which the individual resides in order to receive such payments.
(i) Except as provided in the next sentence, a qualified organization may collect from an individual a monthly fee for expenses (including overhead) incurred by such organization in providing services performed as such individual’s representative payee pursuant to subparagraph (A)(ii) if the fee does not exceed the lesser of—
(I) 10 percent of the monthly benefit involved, or
(II) $25.00 per month ($50.00 per month in any case in which an individual is described in subparagraph (A)(ii)(II)).
A qualified organization may not collect a fee from an individual for any month with respect to which the Commissioner of Social Security or a court of competent jurisdiction has determined that the organization misused all or part of the individual’s benefit, and any amount so collected by the qualified organization for such month shall be treated as a misused part of the individual’s benefit for purposes of subparagraphs (E) and (F). The Commissioner of Social Security shall adjust annually (after 1995) each dollar amount set forth in subclause (II) of this clause under procedures providing for adjustments in the same manner and to the same extent as adjustments are provided for under the procedures used to adjust benefit amounts under section 415 (i)(2)(A) of this title, except that any amount so adjusted that is not a multiple of $1.00 shall be rounded to the nearest multiple of $1.00. Any agreement providing for a fee in excess of the amount permitted under this clause shall be void and shall be treated as misuse by the organization of such individual’s benefits.
(ii) For purposes of this subparagraph, the term “qualified organization” means any State or local government agency whose mission is to carry out income maintenance, social service, or health care-related activities, any State or local government agency with fiduciary responsibilities, or any certified community-based nonprofit social service agency (as defined in subparagraph (I)), if the agency, in accordance with any applicable regulations of the Commissioner of Social Security—
(I) regularly provides services as a representative payee pursuant to subparagraph (A)(ii) or section 405 (j)(4) or 1007 of this title concurrently to 5 or more individuals; and
(II) demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Social Security that such agency is not otherwise a creditor of any such individual.
The Commissioner of Social Security shall prescribe regulations under which the Commissioner of Social Security may grant an exception from subclause (II) for any individual on a case-by-case basis if such exception is in the best interests of such individual.
(iii) Any qualified organization which knowingly charges or collects, directly or indirectly, any fee in excess of the maximum fee prescribed under clause (i) or makes any agreement, directly or indirectly, to charge or collect any fee in excess of such maximum fee, shall be fined in accordance with title 18, or imprisoned not more than 6 months, or both.
(iv) In the case of an individual who is no longer eligible for benefits under this subchapter but to whom any amount of past-due benefits under this subchapter has not been paid, for purposes of clause (i), any amount of such past-due benefits payable in any month shall be treated as a monthly benefit referred to in clause (i)(I).
(E) Restitution.— In cases where the negligent failure of the Commissioner of Social Security to investigate or monitor a representative payee results in misuse of benefits by the representative payee, the Commissioner of Social Security shall make payment to the beneficiary or the beneficiary’s representative payee of an amount equal to such misused benefits. In any case in which a representative payee that—
(i) is not an individual (regardless of whether it is a “qualified organization” within the meaning of subparagraph (D)(ii)); or
(ii) is an individual who, for any month during a period when misuse occurs, serves 15 or more individuals who are beneficiaries under this subchapter, subchapter II of this chapter, subchapter VIII of this chapter, or any combination of such subchapters;
misuses all or part of an individual’s benefit paid to such representative payee, the Commissioner of Social Security shall pay to the beneficiary or the beneficiary’s alternative representative payee an amount equal to the amount of such benefit so misused. The provisions of this subparagraph are subject to the limitations of subparagraph (H)(ii). The Commissioner of Social Security shall make a good faith effort to obtain restitution from the terminated representative payee.
(I) Each representative payee of an eligible individual under the age of 18 who is eligible for the payment of benefits described in subclause (II) shall establish on behalf of such individual an account in a financial institution into which such benefits shall be paid, and shall thereafter maintain such account for use in accordance with clause (ii).
(II) Benefits described in this subclause are past-due monthly benefits under this subchapter (which, for purposes of this subclause, include State supplementary payments made by the Commissioner pursuant to an agreement under section 1382e of this title or section 212(b) of Public Law 93–66) in an amount (after any withholding by the Commissioner for reimbursement to a State for interim assistance under subsection (g) of this section and payment of attorney fees under subsection (d)(2)(B) of this section) that exceeds the product of—
(aa) 6, and
(bb) the maximum monthly benefit payable under this subchapter to an eligible individual.
(I) A representative payee shall use funds in the account established under clause (i) to pay for allowable expenses described in subclause (II).
(II) An allowable expense described in this subclause is an expense for—
(aa) education or job skills training;
(bb) personal needs assistance;
(cc) special equipment;
(dd) housing modification;
(ee) medical treatment;
(ff) therapy or rehabilitation; or
(gg) any other item or service that the Commissioner determines to be appropriate;
provided that such expense benefits such individual and, in the case of an expense described in item (bb), (cc), (dd), (ff), or (gg), is related to the impairment (or combination of impairments) of such individual.
(III) The use of funds from an account established under clause (i) in any manner not authorized by this clause—
(aa) by a representative payee shall be considered a misapplication of benefits for all purposes of this paragraph, and any representative payee who knowingly misapplies benefits from such an account shall be liable to the Commissioner in an amount equal to the total amount of such benefits; and
(bb) by an eligible individual who is his or her own payee shall be considered a misapplication of benefits for all purposes of this paragraph and in any case in which the individual knowingly misapplies benefits from such an account, the Commissioner shall reduce future benefits payable to such individual (or to such individual and his spouse) by an amount equal to the total amount of such benefits so misapplied.
(IV) This clause shall continue to apply to funds in the account after the child has reached age 18, regardless of whether benefits are paid directly to the beneficiary or through a representative payee.
(iii) The representative payee may deposit into the account established under clause (i) any other funds representing past due benefits under this subchapter to the eligible individual, provided that the amount of such past due benefits is equal to or exceeds the maximum monthly benefit payable under this subchapter to an eligible individual (including State supplementary payments made by the Commissioner pursuant to an agreement under section 1382e of this title or section 212(b) of Public Law 93–66).
(iv) The Commissioner of Social Security shall establish a system for accountability monitoring whereby such representative payee shall report, at such time and in such manner as the Commissioner shall require, on activity respecting funds in the account established pursuant to clause (i).
(i) In addition to such other reviews of representative payees as the Commissioner of Social Security may otherwise conduct, the Commissioner shall provide for the periodic onsite review of any person or agency that receives the benefits payable under this subchapter (alone or in combination with benefits payable under subchapter II of this chapter or subchapter VIII of this chapter) to another individual pursuant to the appointment of the person or agency as a representative payee under this paragraph, section 405 (j) of this title, or section 1007 of this title in any case in which—
(I) the representative payee is a person who serves in that capacity with respect to 15 or more such individuals;
(II) the representative payee is a certified community-based nonprofit social service agency (as defined in subparagraph (I) of this paragraph or section 405 (j)(10) of this title); or
(III) the representative payee is an agency (other than an agency described in subclause (II)) that serves in that capacity with respect to 50 or more such individuals.
(ii) Within 120 days after the end of each fiscal year, the Commissioner shall submit to the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Finance of the Senate a report on the results of periodic onsite reviews conducted during the fiscal year pursuant to clause (i) and of any other reviews of representative payees conducted during such fiscal year in connection with benefits under this subchapter. Each such report shall describe in detail all problems identified in the reviews and any corrective action taken or planned to be taken to correct the problems, and shall include—
(I) the number of the reviews;
(II) the results of such reviews;
(III) the number of cases in which the representative payee was changed and why;
(IV) the number of cases involving the exercise of expedited, targeted oversight of the representative payee by the Commissioner conducted upon receipt of an allegation of misuse of funds, failure to pay a vendor, or a similar irregularity;
(V) the number of cases discovered in which there was a misuse of funds;
(VI) how any such cases of misuse of funds were dealt with by the Commissioner;
(VII) the final disposition of such cases of misuse of funds, including any criminal penalties imposed; and
(VIII) such other information as the Commissioner deems appropriate.
(i) If the Commissioner of Social Security or a court of competent jurisdiction determines that a representative payee that is not a Federal, State, or local government agency has misused all or part of an individual’s benefit that was paid to the representative payee under this paragraph, the representative payee shall be liable for the amount misused, and the amount (to the extent not repaid by the representative payee) shall be treated as an overpayment of benefits under this subchapter to the representative payee for all purposes of this chapter and related laws pertaining to the recovery of the overpayments. Subject to clause (ii), upon recovering all or any part of the amount, the Commissioner shall make payment of an amount equal to the recovered amount to such individual or such individual’s alternative representative payee.
(ii) The total of the amount paid to such individual or such individual’s alternative representative payee under clause (i) and the amount paid under subparagraph (E) may not exceed the total benefit amount misused by the representative payee with respect to such individual.
(I) For purposes of this paragraph, the term “certified community-based nonprofit social service agency” means a community-based nonprofit social service agency which is in compliance with requirements, under regulations which shall be prescribed by the Commissioner, for annual certification to the Commissioner that it is bonded in accordance with requirements specified by the Commissioner and that it is licensed in each State in which it serves as a representative payee (if licensing is available in the State) in accordance with requirements specified by the Commissioner. Any such annual certification shall include a copy of any independent audit on the agency which may have been performed since the previous certification.
(3) The Commissioner of Social Security may by regulation establish ranges of incomes within which a single amount of benefits under this subchapter shall apply.
(4) The Commissioner of Social Security—
(A) may make to any individual initially applying for benefits under this subchapter who is presumptively eligible for such benefits for the month following the date the application is filed and who is faced with financial emergency a cash advance against such benefits, including any federally-administered State supplementary payments, in an amount not exceeding the monthly amount that would be payable to an eligible individual with no other income for the first month of such presumptive eligibility, which shall be repaid through proportionate reductions in such benefits over a period of not more than 6 months; and
(B) may pay benefits under this subchapter to an individual applying for such benefits on the basis of disability or blindness for a period not exceeding 6 months prior to the determination of such individual’s disability or blindness, if such individual is presumptively disabled or blind and is determined to be otherwise eligible for such benefits, and any benefits so paid prior to such determination shall in no event be considered overpayments for purposes of subsection (b) of this section solely because such individual is determined not to be disabled or blind.
(5) Payment of the benefit of any individual who is an aged, blind, or disabled individual solely by reason of blindness (as determined under section 1382c (a)(2) of this title) or disability (as determined under section 1382c (a)(3) of this title), and who ceases to be blind or to be under such disability, shall continue (so long as such individual is otherwise eligible) through the second month following the month in which such blindness or disability ceases.
(6) Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter, payment of the benefit of any individual who is an aged, blind, or disabled individual solely by reason of blindness (as determined under section 1382c (a)(2) of this title) or disability (as determined under section 1382c (a)(3) of this title) shall not be terminated or suspended because the blindness or other physical or mental impairment, on which the individual’s eligibility for such benefit is based, has or may have ceased, if—
(A) such individual is participating in a program consisting of the Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program under section 1320b–19 of this title or another program of vocational rehabilitation services, employment services, or other support services approved by the Commissioner of Social Security, and
(B) the Commissioner of Social Security determines that the completion of such program, or its continuation for a specified period of time, will increase the likelihood that such individual may (following his participation in such program) be permanently removed from the blindness and disability benefit rolls.
(A) In any case where—
(i) an individual is a recipient of benefits based on disability or blindness under this subchapter,
(ii) the physical or mental impairment on the basis of which such benefits are payable is found to have ceased, not to have existed, or to no longer be disabling, and as a consequence such individual is determined not to be entitled to such benefits, and
(iii) a timely request for review or for a hearing is pending with respect to the determination that he is not so entitled,
such individual may elect (in such manner and form and within such time as the Commissioner of Social Security shall by regulations prescribe) to have the payment of such benefits continued for an additional period beginning with the first month beginning after October 9, 1984, for which (under such determination) such benefits are no longer otherwise payable, and ending with the earlier of
(I) the month preceding the month in which a decision is made after such a hearing, or
(II) the month preceding the month in which no such request for review or a hearing is pending.
(i) If an individual elects to have the payment of his benefits continued for an additional period under subparagraph (A), and the final decision of the Commissioner of Social Security affirms the determination that he is not entitled to such benefits, any benefits paid under this subchapter pursuant to such election (for months in such additional period) shall be considered overpayments for all purposes of this subchapter, except as otherwise provided in clause (ii).
(ii) If the Commissioner of Social Security determines that the individual’s appeal of his termination of benefits was made in good faith, all of the benefits paid pursuant to such individual’s election under subparagraph (A) shall be subject to waiver consideration under the provisions of subsection (b)(1) of this section.
(C) The provisions of subparagraphs (A) and (B) shall apply with respect to determinations (that individuals are not entitled to benefits) which are made on or after October 9, 1984, or prior to such date but only on the basis of a timely request for review or for a hearing.
(A) In any case in which an administrative law judge has determined after a hearing as provided in subsection (c) of this section that an individual is entitled to benefits based on disability or blindness under this subchapter and the Commissioner of Social Security has not issued the Commissioner’s final decision in such case within 110 days after the date of the administrative law judge’s determination, such benefits shall be currently paid for the months during the period beginning with the month in which such 110-day period expires and ending with the month in which such final decision is issued.
(B) For purposes of subparagraph (A), in determining whether the 110-day period referred to in subparagraph (A) has elapsed, any period of time for which the action or inaction of such individual or such individual’s representative without good cause results in the delay in the issuance of the Commissioner’s final decision shall not be taken into account to the extent that such period of time exceeds 20 calendar days.
(C) Any benefits currently paid under this subchapter pursuant to this paragraph (for the months described in subparagraph (A)) shall not be considered overpayments for any purposes of this subchapter, unless payment of such benefits was fraudulently obtained.
(9) Benefits under this subchapter shall not be denied to any individual solely by reason of the refusal of the individual to accept an amount offered as compensation for a crime of which the individual was a victim.
(A) If an individual is eligible for past-due monthly benefits under this subchapter in an amount that (after any withholding for reimbursement to a State for interim assistance under subsection (g) of this section and payment of attorney fees under subsection (d)(2)(B) of this section) equals or exceeds the product of—
(i) 3, and
(ii) the maximum monthly benefit payable under this subchapter to an eligible individual (or, if appropriate, to an eligible individual and eligible spouse),
then the payment of such past-due benefits (after any such reimbursement to a State and payment of attorney fees under subsection (d)(2)(B) of this section) shall be made in installments as provided in subparagraph (B).
(i) The payment of past-due benefits subject to this subparagraph shall be made in not to exceed 3 installments that are made at 6-month intervals.
(ii) Except as provided in clause (iii), the amount of each of the first and second installments may not exceed an amount equal to the product of clauses (i) and (ii) of subparagraph (A).
(iii) In the case of an individual who has—
(I) outstanding debt attributable to—
(aa) food,
(bb) clothing,
(cc) shelter, or
(dd) medically necessary services, supplies or equipment, or medicine; or
(II) current expenses or expenses anticipated in the near term attributable to—
(aa) medically necessary services, supplies or equipment, or medicine, or
(bb) the purchase of a home, and
such debt or expenses are not subject to reimbursement by a public assistance program, the Secretary under subchapter XVIII of this chapter, a State plan approved under subchapter XIX of this chapter, or any private entity legally liable to provide payment pursuant to an insurance policy, pre-paid plan, or other arrangement, the limitation specified in clause (ii) may be exceeded by an amount equal to the total of such debt and expenses.
(C) This paragraph shall not apply to any individual who, at the time of the Commissioner’s determination that such individual is eligible for the payment of past-due monthly benefits under this subchapter—
(i) is afflicted with a medically determinable impairment that is expected to result in death within 12 months; or
(ii) is ineligible for benefits under this subchapter and the Commissioner determines that such individual is likely to remain ineligible for the next 12 months.
(D) For purposes of this paragraph, the term “benefits under this subchapter” includes supplementary payments pursuant to an agreement for Federal administration under section 1382e (a) of this title, and payments pursuant to an agreement entered into under section 212(b) of Public Law 93–66.
(b) Overpayments and underpayments; adjustment, recovery, or payment of amounts by Commissioner
(A) Whenever the Commissioner of Social Security finds that more or less than the correct amount of benefits has been paid with respect to any individual, proper adjustment or recovery shall, subject to the succeeding provisions of this subsection, be made by appropriate adjustments in future payments to such individual or by recovery from such individual or his eligible spouse (or from the estate of either) or by payment to such individual or his eligible spouse, or, if such individual is deceased, by payment—
(i) to any surviving spouse of such individual, whether or not the individual’s eligible spouse, if (within the meaning of the first sentence of section 402 (i) of this title) such surviving husband or wife was living in the same household with the individual at the time of his death or within the 6 months immediately preceding the month of such death, or
(ii) if such individual was a disabled or blind child who was living with his parent or parents at the time of his death or within the 6 months immediately preceding the month of such death, to such parent or parents.
(B) The Commissioner of Social Security
(i) shall make such provision as the Commissioner finds appropriate in the case of payment of more than the correct amount of benefits with respect to an individual with a view to avoiding penalizing such individual or his eligible spouse who was without fault in connection with the overpayment, if adjustment or recovery on account of such overpayment in such case would defeat the purposes of this subchapter, or be against equity and good conscience, or (because of the small amount involved) impede efficient or effective administration of this subchapter, and
(ii) shall in any event make the adjustment or recovery (in the case of payment of more than the correct amount of benefits), in the case of an individual or eligible spouse receiving monthly benefit payments under this subchapter (including supplementary payments of the type described in section 1382e (a) of this title and payments pursuant to an agreement entered into under section 212(a) of Public Law 93–66), in amounts which in the aggregate do not exceed (for any month) the lesser of
(I) the amount of his or their benefit under this subchapter for that month or
(II) an amount equal to 10 percent of his or their income for that month (including such benefit but excluding payments under subchapter II of this chapter when recovery is made from subchapter II payments pursuant to section 1320b–17 of this title and excluding income exclu