§ 629d. Payments to States

(a) Entitlement
Each State that has a plan approved under section 629b of this title shall, subject to subsection (d), be entitled to payment of the sum of—
(1) the lesser of—
(A) 75 percent of the total expenditures by the State for activities under the plan during the fiscal year or the immediately succeeding fiscal year; or
(B) the allotment of the State under subsection (a), (b), or (c) of section 629c of this title, whichever is applicable, for the fiscal year; and
(2) the lesser of—
(A) 75 percent of the total expenditures by the State in accordance with section 629f (b)(4)(B) of this title during the fiscal year or the immediately succeeding fiscal year; or
(B) the allotment of the State under section 629c (e) of this title for the fiscal year.
(b) Prohibitions
(1) No use of other Federal funds for State match
Each State receiving an amount paid under subsection (a) of this section may not expend any Federal funds to meet the costs of services under the State plan under section 629b of this title not covered by the amount so paid.
(2) Availability of funds
A State may not expend any amount paid under subsection (a) of this section for any fiscal year after the end of the immediately succeeding fiscal year.
(c) Direct payments to tribal organizations of Indian tribes or tribal consortia
The Secretary shall pay any amount to which an Indian tribe or tribal consortium is entitled under this section directly to the tribal organization of the Indian tribe or in the case of a payment to a tribal consortium, such tribal organizations of, or entity established by, the Indian tribes that are part of the consortium as the consortium shall designate.
(d) Limitation on reimbursement for administrative costs
The Secretary shall not make a payment to a State under this section with respect to expenditures for administrative costs during a fiscal year, to the extent that the total amount of the expenditures exceeds 10 percent of the total expenditures of the State during the fiscal year under the State plan approved under section 629b of this title.