§ 300d-5. Competitive grants for the improvement of trauma care

(a) In general
The Secretary, acting through the Administrator of the Health Resources and Services Administration, may make grants to States, political subdivisions, or consortia of States or political subdivisions for the purpose of improving access to and enhancing the development of trauma care systems.
(b) Use of funds
The Secretary may make a grant under this section only if the applicant agrees to use the grant—
(1) to integrate and broaden the reach of a trauma care system, such as by developing innovative protocols to increase access to prehospital care;
(2) to strengthen, develop, and improve an existing trauma care system;
(3) to expand communications between the trauma care system and emergency medical services through improved equipment or a telemedicine system;
(4) to improve data collection and retention; or
(5) to increase education, training, and technical assistance opportunities, such as training and continuing education in the management of emergency medical services accessible to emergency medical personnel in rural areas through telehealth, home studies, and other methods.
(c) Preference
In selecting among States, political subdivisions, and consortia of States or political subdivisions for purposes of making grants under this section, the Secretary shall give preference to applicants that—
(1) have developed a process, using national standards, for designating trauma centers;
(2) recognize protocols for the delivery of seriously injured patients to trauma centers;
(3) implement a process for evaluating the performance of the trauma system; and
(4) agree to participate in information systems described in section 300d–3 of this title by collecting, providing, and sharing information.
(d) Priority
In making grants under this section, the Secretary shall give priority to applicants that will use the grants to focus on improving access to trauma care systems.
(e) Special consideration
In awarding grants under this section, the Secretary shall give special consideration to projects that demonstrate strong State or local support, including availability of non-Federal contributions.