§ 300b-15. Hunter Kelly Research Program
Newborn screening activities
In general
The Secretary, in conjunction with the Director of the National Institutes of Health and taking into consideration the recommendations of the Advisory Committee, may continue carrying out, coordinating, and expanding research in newborn screening (to be known as “Hunter Kelly Newborn Screening Research Program”) including—
identifying, developing, and testing the most promising new screening technologies, in order to improve already existing screening tests, increase the specificity of newborn screening, and expand the number of conditions for which screening tests are available;
In carrying out the research program under this section, the Secretary and the Director shall ensure that entities receiving funding through the program will provide assurances, as practicable, that such entities will work in consultation with the appropriate State departments of health, and, as practicable, focus their research on screening technology not currently performed in the States in which the entities are located, and the conditions on the uniform screening panel (or the standard test existing on the uniform screening panel).
The Director is encouraged to include information about the activities carried out under this section in the biennial report required under section 403 of the National Institutes of Health Reform Act of 2006.[1] If such information is included, the Director shall make such information available to be included on the Internet Clearinghouse established under section
300b–11 of this title.
In carrying out programs under this section, the Secretary shall minimize duplication and supplement, not supplant, existing efforts of the type carried out under this section.
Peer review
Nothing in this section shall be construed to interfere with the scientific peer-review process at the National Institutes of Health.
[1] See References in Text note below.