§ 300b-3. Application; special consideration to prior sickle cell anemia grant recipients
Manner of submission; contents
A grant or contract under this part may be made upon application submitted to the Secretary at such time, in such manner, and containing and accompanied by such information, as the Secretary may require, including assurances for an evaluation whether performed by the applicant or by the Secretary. Such grant or contract may be made available on less than a statewide or regional basis. Each applicant shall—
provide that the programs and activities for which assistance under this part is sought will be administered by or under the supervision of the applicant;
provide for strict confidentiality of all test results, medical records, and other information regarding testing, diagnosis, counseling, or treatment of any person treated, except for
Considerations for grants and contracts under section
300b–1 of this title
In making grants and entering into contracts for any fiscal year under section
241 of this title for projects described in section
300b–1 of this title the Secretary shall give special consideration to applications from entities that received grants from, or entered into contracts with, the Secretary for the preceding fiscal year for the conduct of comprehensive sickle cell centers or sickle cell screening and education clinics.