§ 299b-6. Coordination of Federal Government quality improvement efforts
In general
To avoid duplication and ensure that Federal resources are used efficiently and effectively, the Secretary, acting through the Director, shall coordinate all research, evaluations, and demonstrations related to health services research, quality measurement and quality improvement activities undertaken and supported by the Federal Government.
Specific activities
The Director, in collaboration with the appropriate Federal officials representing all concerned executive agencies and departments, shall develop and manage a process to—
improve interagency coordination, priority setting, and the use and sharing of research findings and data pertaining to Federal quality improvement programs, technology assessment, and health services research;
strengthen the research information infrastructure, including databases, pertaining to Federal health services research and health care quality improvement initiatives;
Study by the Institute of Medicine
In general
To provide Congress, the Department of Health and Human Services, and other relevant departments with an independent, external review of their quality oversight, quality improvement and quality research programs, the Secretary shall enter into a contract with the Institute of Medicine—
to describe and evaluate current quality improvement, quality research and quality monitoring processes through—
to identify options and make recommendations to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of quality improvement programs through—
the improved coordination of activities across the medicare, medicaid and child health insurance programs under titles XVIII, XIX and XXI of the Social Security Act and health services research programs;
In general
The Secretary shall enter into a contract with the Institute of Medicine for the preparation—