§ 297d. Allotments and payments of Federal capital contributions

(a) Application for allotment; reduction or adjustment of amount requested in application; reallotment; continued availability of funds
(1) The Secretary shall from time to time set dates by which schools of nursing must file applications for Federal capital contributions.
(A) If the total of the amounts requested for any fiscal year in such applications exceeds the total amount appropriated under section 297c [1] of this title for that fiscal year, the allotment from such total amount to the loan fund of each school of nursing shall be reduced to whichever of the following is the smaller:
(i) The amount requested in its application.
(ii) An amount which bears the same ratio to the total amount appropriated as the number of students estimated by the Secretary to be enrolled on a full-time basis in such school during such fiscal year bears to the estimated total number of students enrolled in all such schools on a full-time basis during such year.
(B) Amounts remaining after allotment under subparagraph (A) shall be reallotted in accordance with clause (ii) of such subparagraph among schools whose applications requested more than the amounts so allotted to their loan funds, but with such adjustments as may be necessary to prevent the total allotted to any such school’s loan fund under this paragraph and paragraph (3) from exceeding the total so requested by it.
(3) Funds which, pursuant to section 297e (c) of this title or pursuant to a loan agreement under section 297a of this title are returned to the Secretary in any fiscal year, shall be available for allotment until expended. Funds described in the preceding sentence shall be allotted among schools of nursing in such manner as the Secretary determines will best carry out this part.[1]
(b) Installment payment of allotments
Allotments to a loan fund of a school shall be paid to it from time to time in such installments as the Secretary determines will not result in unnecessary accumulations in the loan fund at such school.
(c) Manner of payment
The Federal capital contributions to a loan fund of a school under this part [1] shall be paid to it from time to time in such installments as the Secretary determines will not result in unnecessary accumulations in the loan fund at such school.

[1] See References in Text note below.