§ 290cc-27. Description of intended expenditures of grant

(a) In general
The Secretary may not make payments under section 290cc–21 of this title unless—
(1) as part of the application required in section 290cc–29 of this title, the State involved submits to the Secretary a description of the intended use for the fiscal year of the amounts for which the State is applying pursuant to such section;
(2) such description identifies the geographic areas within the State in which the greatest numbers of homeless individuals with a need for mental health, substance abuse, and housing services are located;
(3) such description provides information relating to the programs and activities to be supported and services to be provided, including information relating to coordinating such programs and activities with any similar programs and activities of public and private entities; and
(4) the State agrees that such description will be revised throughout the year as may be necessary to reflect substantial changes in the programs and activities assisted by the State pursuant to section 290cc–22 of this title.
(b) Opportunity for public comment
The Secretary may not make payments under section 290cc–21 of this title unless the State involved agrees that, in developing and carrying out the description required in subsection (a) of this section, the State will provide public notice with respect to the description (including any revisions) and such opportunities as may be necessary to provide interested persons, such as family members, consumers, and mental health, substance abuse, and housing agencies, an opportunity to present comments and recommendations with respect to the description.
(c) Relationship to State comprehensive mental health services plan
(1) In general
The Secretary may not make payments under section 290cc–21 of this title unless the services to be provided pursuant to the description required in subsection (a) of this section are consistent with the State comprehensive mental health services plan required in subpart 2 [1] of part B of subchapter XVII of this chapter.
(2) Special rule
The Secretary may not make payments under section 290cc–21 of this title unless the services to be provided pursuant to the description required in subsection (a) of this section have been considered in the preparation of, have been included in, and are consistent with, the State comprehensive mental health services plan referred to in paragraph (1).

[1] See References in Text note below.