§ 290bb-21. Office for Substance Abuse Prevention

(a) Establishment; Director
There is established in the Administration an Office for Substance Abuse Prevention (hereafter referred to in this part as the “Prevention Center”). The Office [1] shall be headed by a Director appointed by the Secretary from individuals with extensive experience or academic qualifications in the prevention of drug or alcohol abuse.
(b) Duties of Director
The Director of the Prevention Center shall—
(1) sponsor regional workshops on the prevention of drug and alcohol abuse;
(2) coordinate the findings of research sponsored by agencies of the Service on the prevention of drug and alcohol abuse;
(3) develop effective drug and alcohol abuse prevention literature (including literature on the adverse effects of cocaine free base (known as “crack”));
(4) in cooperation with the Secretary of Education, assure the widespread dissemination of prevention materials among States, political subdivisions, and school systems;
(5) support clinical training programs for substance abuse counselors and other health professionals involved in drug abuse education, prevention,; [2]
(6) in cooperation with the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, develop educational materials to reduce the risks of acquired immune deficiency syndrome among intravenous drug abusers;
(7) conduct training, technical assistance, data collection, and evaluation activities of programs supported under the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act of 1986;
(8) support the development of model, innovative, community-based programs to discourage alcohol and drug abuse among young people;
(9) collaborate with the Attorney General of the Department of Justice to develop programs to prevent drug abuse among high risk youth;
(10) prepare for distribution documentary films and public service announcements for television and radio to educate the public, especially adolescent audiences, concerning the dangers to health resulting from the consumption of alcohol and drugs and, to the extent feasible, use appropriate private organizations and business concerns in the preparation of such announcements; and
(11) develop and support innovative demonstration programs designed to identify and deter the improper use or abuse of anabolic steroids by students, especially students in secondary schools.
(c) Grants, contracts and cooperative agreements
The Director may make grants and enter into contracts and cooperative agreements in carrying out subsection (b) of this section.
(d) National data base
The Director of the Prevention Center shall establish a national data base providing information on programs for the prevention of substance abuse. The data base shall contain information appropriate for use by public entities and information appropriate for use by nonprofit private entities.

[1] So in original. Probably should be “Prevention Center”.

[2] So in original. Probably should be “education and prevention;”.