§ 290aa-3. Peer review

(a) In general
The Secretary, after consultation with the Administrator, shall require appropriate peer review of grants, cooperative agreements, and contracts to be administered through the agency which exceed the simple acquisition threshold as defined in section 403 (11) of title 41.
(b) Members
The members of any peer review group established under subsection (a) of this section shall be individuals who by virtue of their training or experience are eminently qualified to perform the review functions of the group. Not more than one-fourth of the members of any such peer review group shall be officers or employees of the United States.
(c) Advisory council review
If the direct cost of a grant or cooperative agreement (described in subsection (a) of this section) exceeds the simple acquisition threshold as defined by section 403 (11) of title 41, the Secretary may make such a grant or cooperative agreement only if such grant or cooperative agreement is recommended—
(1) after peer review required under subsection (a) of this section; and
(2) by the appropriate advisory council.
(d) Conditions
The Secretary may establish limited exceptions to the limitations contained in this section regarding participation of Federal employees and advisory council approval. The circumstances under which the Secretary may make such an exception shall be made public.