§ 287a. Advisory council
Appointment; functions and duties; acceptance of conditional gifts; subcommittees
The Secretary shall appoint an advisory council for the Center which shall advise, assist, consult with, and make recommendations to the Secretary and the Director of the Center on matters related to the activities carried out by and through the Center and the policies respecting such activities.
The advisory council for the Center may recommend to the Secretary acceptance, in accordance with section
238 of this title, of conditional gifts for study, investigations, and research and for the acquisition of grounds or construction, equipping, or maintenance of facilities for the Center.
The advisory council for the Center—
may make recommendations to the Director of the Center respecting research conducted at the Center,
may collect, by correspondence or by personal investigation, information as to studies which are being carried on in the United States or any other country as to the diseases, disorders, or other aspects of human health with respect to which the Center is concerned and with the approval of the Director of the Center make available such information through appropriate publications for the benefit of public and private health entities and health professions personnel and scientists and for the information of the general public; and
Membership; ex officio members; compensation
The advisory council shall consist of ex officio members and not more than eighteen members appointed by the Secretary.
The ex officio members of the advisory council shall consist of—
The members of the advisory council who are not ex officio members shall be appointed as follows:
Members of the advisory council who are officers or employees of the United States shall not receive any compensation for service on the advisory council. The other members of the advisory council shall receive, for each day (including traveltime) they are engaged in the performance of the functions of the advisory council, compensation at rates not to exceed the daily equivalent of the annual rate in effect for grade GS–18 of the General Schedule.
Term of office; vacancy; reappointment
The term of office of an appointed member of the advisory council is four years, except that any member appointed to fill a vacancy for an unexpired term shall be appointed for the remainder of such term and the Secretary shall make appointments to an advisory council in such a manner as to ensure that the terms of the members do not all expire in the same year. A member may serve after the expiration of the member’s term until a successor has taken office. A member who has been appointed for a term of four years may not be reappointed to an advisory council before two years from the date of expiration of such term of office. If a vacancy occurs in the advisory council among the appointed members, the Secretary shall make an appointment to fill the vacancy within 90 days from the date the vacancy occurs.
Chairman; selection; term of office
The chairman of the advisory council shall be selected by the Secretary from among the appointed members, except that the Secretary may select the Director of the Center to be the chairman of the advisory council. The term of office of the chairman shall be two years.
The advisory council shall meet at the call of the chairman or upon the request of the Director of the Center, but at least three times each fiscal year. The location of the meetings of the advisory council is subject to the approval of the Director of the Center.
Executive secretary; staff; orientation and training for new members
The Director of the Center shall designate a member of the staff of the Center to serve as the executive secretary of the advisory council. The Director of the Center shall make available to the advisory council such staff, information, and other assistance as it may require to carry out its functions. The Director of the Center shall provide orientation and training for new members of the advisory council to provide them with such information and training as may be appropriate for their effective participation in the functions of the advisory council.
Material for inclusion in biennial report; additional reports
The advisory council may prepare, for inclusion in the biennial report made under section
287a–1 of this title,
comments respecting the activities of the advisory council in the fiscal years respecting which the report is prepared,
recommendations respecting the future directions and program and policy emphasis of the Center. The advisory council may prepare such additional reports as it may determine appropriate.
Advisory council in existence on November 20, 1985
This section does not terminate the membership of the advisory council for the Center which was in existence on November 20, 1985. After November 20, 1985—
the Secretary shall make appointments to such advisory council in such a manner as to bring about as soon as practicable the composition for such council prescribed by this section;