§ 280g-5. Public and health care provider education and support services

(a) In general
The Secretary, directly or through the awarding of grants to public or private nonprofit entities, may conduct demonstration projects for the purpose of improving the provision of information on prematurity to health professionals and other health care providers and the public and improving the treatment and outcomes for babies born preterm.
(b) Activities
Activities to be carried out under the demonstration project under subsection (a) may include the establishment of—
(1) programs to test and evaluate various strategies to provide information and education to health professionals, other health care providers, and the public concerning—
(A) the signs of preterm labor, updated as new research results become available;
(B) the screening for and the treating of infections;
(c)  [1] counseling on optimal weight and good nutrition, including folic acid;
(D) smoking cessation education and counseling;
(E) stress management; and
(F) appropriate prenatal care;
(2) programs to improve the treatment and outcomes for babies born premature, including the use of evidence-based standards of care by health care professionals for pregnant women at risk of preterm labor or other serious complications and for infants born preterm and at a low birthweight;
(3) programs to respond to the informational needs of families during the stay of an infant in a neonatal intensive care unit, during the transition of the infant to the home, and in the event of a newborn death; and
(4) such other programs as the Secretary determines appropriate to achieve the purpose specified in subsection (a).
(c) Authorization of appropriations
There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section $5,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2007 through 2011.

[1] So in original. Probably should be “(C)”.