§ 247d-5a. Identification of clinically susceptible concentrations of antimicrobials

(a) Definition
In this section, the term “clinically susceptible concentrations” means specific values which characterize bacteria as clinically susceptible, intermediate, or resistant to the drug (or drugs) tested.
(b) Identification
The Secretary of Health and Human Services (referred to in this section as the “Secretary”), through the Commissioner of Food and Drugs, shall identify (where such information is reasonably available) and periodically update clinically susceptible concentrations.
(c) Public availability
The Secretary, through the Commissioner of Food and Drugs, shall make such clinically susceptible concentrations publicly available, such as by posting on the Internet, not later than 30 days after the date of identification and any update under this section.
(d) Effect
Nothing in this section shall be construed to restrict, in any manner, the prescribing of antibiotics by physicians, or to limit the practice of medicine, including for diseases such as Lyme and tick-borne diseases.