§ 428. Procedures applicable to purchases below micro-purchase threshold

(a) Requirements
(1) The head of each executive agency shall ensure that procuring activities of that agency, in awarding a contract with a price exceeding the micro-purchase threshold, comply with the requirements of section 637(a) of title 15, section 2323 of title 10, and section 7102 of the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act of 1994.
(2) The authority under part 13.106(a)(1) of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (48 C.F.R. 13.106(a)(1)), as in effect on November 18, 1993, to make purchases without securing competitive quotations does not apply to any purchases with a price exceeding the micro-purchase threshold.
(b) Exclusion for micro-purchases
A purchase by an executive agency with an anticipated value of the micro-purchase threshold or less is not subject to section 644 (j) of title 15 and the Buy American Act (41 U.S.C. 10a–10c).
(c) Purchases without competitive quotations
A purchase not greater than $2,500 may be made without obtaining competitive quotations if an employee of an executive agency or a member of the Armed Forces of the United States authorized to do so determines that the price for the purchase is reasonable.
(d) Equitable distribution
Purchases not greater than $2,500 shall be distributed equitably among qualified suppliers.
(e) Implementation through FAR
This section shall be implemented through the Federal Acquisition Regulation.
(f) Micro-purchase threshold defined
For purposes of this section, the micro-purchase threshold is the amount of $2,500.