§ 8904. National Capital Memorial Advisory Commission

(a) Establishment and Composition.— There is established the National Capital Memorial Advisory Commission, which shall be composed of—
(1) the Director of the National Park Service;
(2) the Architect of the Capitol;
(3) the Chairman of the American Battle Monuments Commission;
(4) the Chairman of the Commission of Fine Arts;
(5) the Chairman of the National Capital Planning Commission;
(6) the Mayor of the District of Columbia;
(7) the Commissioner of the Public Buildings Service of the General Services Administration; and
(8) the Secretary of Defense.
(b) Chairman.— The Director is the Chairman of the National Capital Memorial Advisory Commission.
(c) Advisory Role.— The National Capital Memorial Advisory Commission shall advise the Secretary of the Interior and the Administrator of General Services (as appropriate) on policy and procedures for establishment of, and proposals to establish, commemorative works in the District of Columbia and its environs and on other matters concerning commemorative works in the Nation’s Capital as the Commission considers appropriate.
(d) Meetings.— The National Capital Memorial Advisory Commission shall meet at least twice annually.