§ 8101. Supervision of public buildings and grounds in District of Columbia not otherwise provided for by law

(a) In General.— Under regulations the President prescribes, the Administrator of General Services shall have charge of the public buildings and grounds in the District of Columbia, except those buildings and grounds which otherwise are provided for by law.
(b) Notice of Unlawful Occupancy.— If the Administrator, or the officer under the direction of the Administrator who is in immediate charge of those public buildings and grounds, decides that an individual is unlawfully occupying any part of that public land, the Administrator or officer in charge shall notify the United States marshal for the District of Columbia in writing of the unlawful occupation.
(c) Ejection of Trespasser.— The marshal shall have the trespasser ejected from the public land and shall restore possession of the land to the officer charged by law with the custody of the land.