§ 591. Purchase of electricity

(a) General Limitation on Use of Amounts.— A department, agency, or instrumentality of the Federal Government may not use amounts appropriated or made available by any law to purchase electricity in a manner inconsistent with state law governing the provision of electric utility service, including—
(1) state utility commission rulings; and
(2) electric utility franchises or service territories established under state statute, state regulation, or state-approved territorial agreements.
(b) Exceptions.—
(1) Energy savings.— This section does not preclude the head of a federal agency from entering into a contract under section 801 of the National Energy Conservation Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 8287).
(2) Energy savings for military installations.— This section does not preclude the Secretary of a military department from—
(A) entering into a contract under section 2394 [1] of title 10; or
(B) purchasing electricity from any provider if the Secretary finds that the utility having the applicable state-approved franchise (or other service authorization) is unwilling or unable to meet unusual standards of service reliability that are necessary for purposes of national defense.

[1] See References in Text note below.