§ 8165. Use of proceeds

(1) Funds received by the Department under an enhanced-use lease and remaining after any deduction from those funds under subsection (b) shall be deposited in the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Care Collections Fund established under section 1729A of this title.
(2) Funds received by the Department from a disposal of leased property under section 8164 of this title shall be deposited in the Department of Veterans Affairs Capital Asset Fund established under section 8118 of this title.
(b) An amount sufficient to pay for any expenses incurred by the Secretary in any fiscal year in connection with an enhanced-use lease shall be deducted from the proceeds of the lease for that fiscal year and may be used by the Secretary to reimburse the account from which the funds were used to pay such expenses. The Secretary may use the proceeds from any enhanced-use lease to reimburse applicable appropriations of the Department for any expenses incurred in the development of additional enhanced-use leases.